Contato forex ahmedabad da apple

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Treinamento para preparação do CAT 2017 CET 2018 para IIMs, outros exames de ingresso no MBA.

IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experiences.

Grátis WAT PI Workshp por Cetking.

IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experiences.

Tópicos comuns do ensaio:

Transferência direta de caixa reduzirá o problema de vazamento em subsídio Alimentos orgânicos, bons para os indivíduos, ruins para a sociedade Imaginação é mais importante que o conhecimento De todas as invenções e descobertas do mundo, qual você gostaria de fazer / fazer e por quê? Tópico: Como social são redes sociais?


[separador] Perguntas mais frequentes no PI:

1. pergunta sobre estatísticas, economia.

4.questões referentes ao estudo de engenharia para candidato a perfil de engenharia.

[separador] IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience [/ separador]

& # 8220; Sua escola está planejando substituir todos os livros da biblioteca pela biblioteca digital. Escreva uma carta para sua alma, expressando sua opinião & # 8221;

Nº de integrantes do painel: 2 (um Prof. M e uma Profa F)

M: (Abrindo a porta), então Mr. X kaise hai aap?

X: Desejou-lhes e um pouco confuso se responder em Inglês ou Hindi. Respondido em inglês.

M: Qual é o significado do seu nome?

M: Então, você gostaria de responder em hindi?

Chalega (o painel podia sentir minha ansiedade)

M: Então nos diga.

X: Dito (o preparado)

M: Então, o que você faz basicamente no seu trabalho.

M: Mais algumas perguntas do trabalho ex.

Agora chegou a vez de professora.

F: Se serviço social, mudança e maior responsabilidade no trabalho, por que não IAS.

M interrompido no meio.

M: Então, me diga como vai medir a altura do edifício & # 8230; pelo menos 3..

X: Explicado (parecia satisfeito)

M: Compare o IIM A com qualquer faculdade de MBA da terceira série.

X: Tentou ser diplomático (o painel estava sorrindo o tempo todo)

M: Alguma pergunta do seu lado.

X: Senhor, queria saber sobre vocês dois.

Total exp: Chill, mas eu pensei que a última pergunta apenas estragou tudo & # 8230; & # 8230; ..

[separador] IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience [/ separador]

1. Um WAT médio.

2. Algumas perguntas sobre eletrônica. Respondeu 4/5 perguntas corretamente.

3. Uma pergunta sobre assuntos atuais. Respondida corretamente, minha opinião poderia ter sido melhor.

4. Falou sobre hobbies, recitou um dos meus melhores poemas. Pareceu impressionado.

5. A experiência geral foi decente, mas não surpreendida pelo veredicto.

[separador] IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience [/ separador]

Implementação de livros didáticos digitais nas escolas do governo de Kerala.

Tempo alocado para o WAT-30 min.

No. de Penalistas: 2.

Q: Você gosta de estatísticas?

A: Sim Senhor, estou confortável com isso.

P: Nomeie os diferentes tipos de distribuições de probabilidade que você conhece.

A: Binomial, Poisson, Gaussian, Maxwell, Reyleigh.

P: Diga-me propriedades da distribuição normal.

A: Dito em detalhes (os painelistas ficaram satisfeitos)

Q: Diferença entre Elétrica e Eletrônica.

A: Disse as diferenças básicas em termos de tamanho do equipamento, potência operacional, etc.

Q: Diferença nos níveis de tensão dos equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos.

Q: Desenhe um circuito Diagrama da rede de comutação das escadas.

R: Esqueci totalmente naquele momento. L Ainda tentei por algum tempo até eles mesmos dizerem que está tudo bem, deixe! (Esta é a parte que eu lamento L)

Q: Quais são os vários níveis de tensão de transmissão, distribuição, etc na Índia?

A: Disse todos os níveis em detalhes.

P: Por que a voltagem é aumentada durante a transmissão?

R: contado em detalhes novamente. O painel estava satisfeito.

P: Quais são as vantagens de fazer isso?

P: Quais países possuem tecnologia de transmissão avançada?

A: Disse a alguns que eu conhecia "# 8230 ;.

P: Por que a tecnologia de transmissão de CC não é usada extensivamente na ÍNDIA?

R: Disse as limitações do HVDC & # 8230 ;.

P: Quais são as vantagens e desvantagens do uso da tecnologia HVDC?

A: Disse ... também chamado 5-6 linhas HVDC na Índia & # 8230;

P: O que você faz no seu tempo livre?

A: Contei sobre alguns estagiários que fiz e críquete.

P: O que você acha da copa do mundo?

R: Tive uma boa e longa discussão sobre os jogos e as equipes.

P: Quais times têm uma boa chance de ganhar?

A: Deu minha opinião.

Q: Você lê o jornal regularmente?

Q: Me conte uma notícia recente relacionada à Apple?

A: Eu primeiro respondi apple watch..they disse wo purana hogaya & # 8230; algo mais & # 8230; contou sobre a sua figura de lucro que publicaram & # 8230;

Q: Este é o maior ou menor lucro da Apple?

A: Mais alto sempre senhor.

P: Qual foi a receita exata da Apple neste trimestre?

R: Senhor, eu não me lembro do número exato, mas posso adivinhar o que é errado - e tomei uma decisão realmente louca.

Painelistas: Obrigado X. Tome um caramelo.

[separador] IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience [/ separador]

WAT: estudo de caso sobre liberdade de expressão. deve haver limites ou não.

Ambos meia idade.

Duração: 15 min.

P1: Me conte algo sobre você.

Eu: Nascido e criado em Delhi. Último ano de graduação. Voluntário do NSS & # 8211; envolvimento social. Aprendendo Bharatnatym por sete anos. Falei sobre meus dois estágios & # 8211; Deli Metro e usina de gás.

(Poderia ter dito mais sobre festivais e outras coisas)

P1: Ok. Então, qual turbina é usada nesta usina?

Eu: ciclo combinado. Dois gases e um vapor.

P1: quais são as capacidades?

P1: qual a razão de calor?

Eu: eu não sei. (Nunca ouvi o termo. Eu acho que está relacionado a mecânica)

P1: custo de geração de eletricidade?

Eu: A conta cobra 5 rs por unidade. Então deve ser em torno de 3-4 rs por unidade.

(Poderia ter falado sobre as perdas de transmissão e distribuição e que cada usina tem um custo diferente, dependendo de muitos fatores complexos.)

P1: qual turbina é mais eficiente? Gás ou vapor.

Eu: não sei exatamente, mas no caso da turbina a gás, o processo é mais rápido devido à combustão instantânea. Então, provavelmente, turbina a gás.

P2: Então, por que você escolheu Bharatnatyam Dance e não qualquer outro?

Eu: senhor, inicialmente estava mais perto da minha casa que porquê. Mas então eu realmente gostei e aproveitei muito. É realmente vibrante. Por isso.

P2: Diga-me a diferença entre Liberdade de expressão, fala e opinião.

Eu: Liberdade de expressão é um subconjunto de expressão. Refere-se apenas à expressão verbal. Expressão é um termo mais amplo e pode ser através da variedade de meios, como desenhos animados, dança, pinturas. Opiniões são pensamentos, podem ou não ser expressas.

P2: você não tomou uma posição clara. Se você tem que tomar uma posição clara, deve haver limites à liberdade de expressão ou não?

Eu não. não deve haver limites. Mas as pessoas devem estar cientes de que devem usar seus direitos com responsabilidade.

P2: então, o governador francês. não fez isso? É por isso que Charlie hebdo aconteceu.

Eu: nós, como sociedade, aprendemos com nossos erros. E acho que esta mensagem está clara agora.

P1: Mas o governador francês. não fez nada de novo nessa direção.

Eu: Mas muitas pessoas importantes, incluindo o Papa, criticaram o uso indevido da liberdade de exp para ofender uma comunidade.

P2: Então, você é de Delhi. Você acha que Delhi deve receber um estado completo?

Eu não. não é prático porque Delhi é muito pequena geograficamente e não será financeiramente sustentável se for um estado. Além disso, muitos maquinários do governo central estão em Delhi, como os mps e dignitários estrangeiros que visitam. Por isso, o Centro deve ter o poder de controlá-los.

Há duas razões principais pelas quais as pessoas de Delhi querem a condição de Estado. Uma é a lei e a ordem que é a polícia de Delhi não é responsável perante a Deli CM. e questão da terra & # 8211; estado gov. precisa de permissão do centro no uso da terra. O DDA não está sob o governo do estado.

Eu acho que há maneiras melhores de resolver isso. Em relação à polícia, um departamento da polícia pode ser obrigado a se reportar ao CM. e quanto à terra - mais representação do estado no DDA e já foram dados alguns passos nesse sentido.

P2: Então, é kejriwal louco. Tornando isso um problema.

Eu: não senhor. Existem problemas. Mas o estado pleno não é prático. Uma solução melhor e intermediária com a devolução de mais energia ao estado de Delhi seria melhor.

P1: Mas, existe até um país que é menor que Delhi. Qual?

eu: cidade do Vaticano.

P1: como isso funciona?

Eu: É extremamente dependente de seus vizinhos.

P2: o que você pensa sobre câmeras de CCTV sendo instaladas?

Eu: Eu acho que é um bom passo. Mas é a segunda parte de garantir uma cidade segura. Isso ajudará na captura de criminosos. Mas nem sempre podemos esperar que os crimes aconteçam para pegar um criminoso. Ele precisa ser complementado com mais conscientização e sensibilização de gênero e movimentos semelhantes devem ser enfatizados.

(Também poderia ter falado sobre terroristas e atividades relacionadas)

P1: Então, que tipo de livros você lê?

Eu: continua mudando. Mas recentemente tenho lido livros sociais sobre a vida das pessoas. Por exemplo, o último livro que li foi.


É sobre uma garota que é da família Al-Saud e fala sobre sua vida como mulher na Arábia Saudita.

E antes disso.


Explora a vida das pessoas comuns da Coreia do Norte sob o ditador durante os anos 80 e a fome subsequente dos anos 90. é uma compilação de entrevistas de refugiados da Coreia do Norte por um jornalista.

P2: o que a Arábia Saudita está fazendo em relação ao petróleo?

Eu: Ele se recusou a reduzir a produção de petróleo e, por causa disso, os preços do petróleo caíram.

P2: qual é o problema na opec?

Eu: a Arábia Saudita é um país rico com petróleo abundante e baixo custo de produção. Por isso, pode se dar ao luxo de vender por um preço baixo por muito tempo. Outros países podem "não".

P2: a OPEP deveria quebrar?

Eu: Não. A força deles está em permanecer juntos porque eles podem monopolizar o mercado.

P2: por que você acha que a Arábia Saudita não está reduzindo a produção?

Eu: falei sobre o gás de xisto. Se os preços do petróleo permanecerem baixos, então a exploração do gás de xisto no mundo e a inviabilidade continuarão a depender do petróleo como recurso energético.

P2: qualquer outro motivo.

Eu: market share.

Se a Arábia Saudita reduzir a produção, perderá a participação no mercado para outros países, como a Rússia.

P2: Como a economia da Rússia depende do petróleo?

Eu: o petróleo forma uma grande porcentagem do PIB e das exportações da Rússia. E devido ao baixo preço, está sofrendo muito.

P2: poderia ser essa a razão pela qual os EUA estão pedindo à Arábia Saudita para não cortar a produção?

Eu sim. especialmente por causa da Ucrânia & # 8211; Conflito na Rússia. Muitas outras sanções também foram impostas à Rússia.

P1: então, desde que você leu sobre a Coréia do Norte, conte-me algo sobre a guerra da Coréia.

Eu: as potências comunistas, principalmente a URSS, apoiavam a Coreia do Norte, enquanto os EUA apoiavam a Coreia do Sul.

Eu: 1970 ... eu acho.

Eu: Não tenho certeza senhor. Desculpa.

P2: quem é o ditador agora?

Eu: KIM JONG UN após a morte de seu pai. 94-2011 foi KIM JONG IL.

P2: então quais são os primeiros sobre o MOM.

Eu: três primeiros

1. Primeira vez na tentativa de solteira.

2. Primeira vez no menor custo.

3. Primeiro país asiático.

E no geral é um passo muito bom.

1. Em primeiro lugar, esta tecnologia aliada pode ser usada em muitos lugares. Comunicação.

2. Então, o PSLV é especialista em ISROs e recebemos muitas tarefas internacionais para o mesmo. Isso é ótimo.

3. Ele inspira jovens a aprender ciência.

Por isso, é uma grande conquista para o país.

P2: qual é a forma completa?

Eu: Marte missão orbital.

P2: pense em alguns primeiros relacionados a isso.

Eu: (pensando em voz alta) as terras orbitam a Marte em órbita. Mas isso seria feito por todos os foguetes. Então, eu não sei.

P1: ok, obrigado. Pegue algo. Pegue todos os três (havia três coisas)

Eu: Obrigado senhor, este está bem (pegou um caramelo e foi)

[separador] IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience [/ separador]

WAT: ONG pedindo aos estrangeiros para não investir na Índia, pois as pessoas não recebem uma boa compensação e levam a problemas, etc.

Duelo da entrevista: dois professores P1 (30 & # 8217; S) e P2 (50 & # 8217; S)

P1: Venha se sentar.

A: Obrigado senhor.

P1: Então você é do BITS, onde você está fazendo o seu PS2?

A: Zinnov Mgmt Consulting.

P1: Mas você é da eletrônica?

R: Sim senhor, mas eu desenvolvi interesse em mgmt e dei a resposta de como eu desenvolvi os festivais de juros e tudo e mencionei que esta é a empresa relacionada ao mgmt que eu poderia obter no meu CG de 7.7, então peguei.

P2: Então nos diga o que os outros dizem sobre nós.

R: Falou apenas para a garota que acabou de sair de casa & # 8230; Nada muito que ela acabou de dizer que "são boas pessoas" (ambos começaram a rir)

P2: Ela estava mesmo em estado de falar? o que significa bem?

A: Senhor, é muito relativo .. o que pode ser bom para ela pode não ser o caso para mim (ambos começaram a sorrir)

P2: O que de acordo com você seria sua definição de bem?

A: Pode ser que você não coloque muito estresse nela.


R: Sim, senhor, acabei de lhe dizer o que poderia ser sua definição de bem ... talvez ela estivesse muito excitada sentada de manhã em um dos inerviews mais importantes.

P2: Então você quer chá, café?

A: Não senhor, obrigado.

A: A água seria boa (P1 pega o copo dele e P2 derrama água nele para mim. Bebeu água)

A: Senhor, posso manter a caneta na mesa?

P2: Yaa claro, qual é o problema se você segurar na mão?

R: Nada muito, mas se eu ficar nervoso durante a entrevista, eu posso começar a pressionar e isso criaria um tique-taque de ruídos (a caneta era a que nós pressionamos). Ambos P1 e P2 começam a rir muito alto.

P2: Eu tenho entrevistas há tantos anos, esta é a primeira vez que estou ouvindo isso.

A: Bom para começar.

P1: O que eles ensinaram em eletrônica?

A: Sistemas de controle, anaog electronics. etc etc.

P1: Diga-me um sistema de controle nesta sala?

A: (olhou em volta) AC.

P1: Explique o seu funcionamento.

P2: Você disse ao sensor de temperatura que o sensor de temperatura é usado? é termômetro?

A: Não estou ciente disso, mas obviamente não termômetro.

P1: Diga-me o que é um sistema de primeira ordem?

P1: Desenhar gráfico para sua resposta?

A: desenhou e explicou.

P1: o que o declive depende?


P1: qual é a constante de tempo?

p1: qual é o significado físico da ordem de um sistema?

a: o tipo de energia armazenada nos elementos como no cap é um indutor do tipo second.

p1: mas você pergunta a nós qual elemento de armazenamento de energia estava sendo usado antes de desenhar o gráfico.

R: esses gráficos são genéricos e iguais para um sistema com uma ordem específica, portanto, não faz diferença alguma, seja qual for o elemento de armazenamento de energia usado.

p1: então o que é o amortecimento?

P1: dar exemplo de sistema sobrecarregado?

A: deu exemplo de uma porta com dobradiças apertadas.

p1: então desenhar gráfico de resposta para um sistema de 2ª ordem?

A: desenhou e explicou.

p1: qual a vantagem de um sistema de segunda ordem sobre o primeiro pedido? A: dito (agora P2 assume)

P2: Então você está fazendo estágio no zinnov?

A: Sim senhor, apenas 10 dias.

P2: Ok, então o que você faz aí?

A: Pesquisa secundária para encontrar os gastos com P & D das empresas e capturá-las, pois isso seria útil em uma lista do G500 que a zinnov publica.

A: pesquisa e desenvolvimento.

P2: Qual é o uso?

A: ele nos ajuda a conhecer a sustentabilidade da empresa .. blackberry investiu em r & amp; d significativamente no final dos anos 90 e colheu os frutos até 2008 como líder no segmento de mercado de telefones corporativos, a Apple começou a investir em r & amp; d significativamente em 200-2004 quando blackberry dint para que possamos ver o efeito que derrubou blackberry como líder no segmento de telefones corporativos.

p2: Então, isso significa que as vendas de uma empresa irão aumentar se ela investir em r & amp; d?

A: depende se é radical r & amp; D ou incremental r & amp; d e disse algo.

p2: diga-me incraese ou não? (começou a balançar a cabeça, decepcionado)

A: Não pode ser dito conclusivamente.

p2: então você não pode relacionar as vendas com o r & amp; d imediatamente?

R: Isso é tudo o que eu sabia .. Eu não sei exatamente (p2 a p1 .. veja que ele nem está ciente do que ele está trabalhando)

p2: por que você publica essa lista? você ganha dinheiro?

R: Não, senhor, é mais um estrago de marketing, já que nenhum adversário faz isso e nós somos apenas um realizando tal estudo.

p2: explicar em resumo o que você escreveu em awt?

R: O passo da ONG é bastante extremo, como se os investidores não investissem, prejudicaria nossa infra-estrutura e indústrias, não haveria novos empregos e isso levaria a desemprego adicional e prejudicaria a causa das pessoas pelas quais a ONG alega estar falando.

p2: Tem certeza?

A: Sim senhor 100% (maior erro) (a partir deste momento p2 começa a olhar aqui e ali depois de me fazer perguntas, girando a cadeira constantemente balançando a cabeça e principalmente não olhando para mim, mas olhando para fora da janela, isso continua até o fim da entrevista)


a: senhor eu posso te dar um exemplo do que aconteceu em orissa.

p2: não quero seus exemplos .. nenhum exemplo pode fazer você ter 100% de certeza.

a: desculpe senhor, eu pensei que eu possa ilustrar o meu ponto claramente com o meu exemplo assim disse.

p2: então isso é um fato ou uma suposição?

a: desculpe senhor dint obter sua pergunta?

p2: você nem sabe a pergunta ... (dá a folha de perguntas do awt de volta para mim) dê uma olhada.

a: senhor eu sei exatamente a pergunta, apenas confuso com o seu texto como na assunção no meu argumento de um dado (ele não estava interessado e sua cabeça estava na mesa) (p2 pediu mais 2 perguntas de acompanhamento que eu respondi enquanto ele estava girando a cadeira ou mantendo a cabeça na mesa) (p1 assume)


a: 1. Alto nível de concorrência das multinacionais pode ter efeitos adversos sobre os nossos lojistas locais 2. grande número de intermediários vai ficar desempregado, precisa encontrar algo para eles também.

p1: dirá uma declaração .. diga concorda ou discorda?

p1: fdi no varejo não afetará lojistas locais tomar exemplo grande bazar?

p1: depois que o grande bazar foi aberto, você parou de comprar em lojas locais de kirana?

a: não senhor, mas antes do grande bazar se eu costumava comprar 10 itens da loja local agora eu provavelmente compro 4 do grande bazar e 6 da loja local e isso certamente leva a uma perda de receita para eles.

p1: porcentagem de fdi em retil? a: eu sei sobre defesa, seguro não sei porcentagem exata no varejo.

p1: o que é mnrega?

a: mahatma gandhi ato de garantia de emprego rural (a cabeça de p2 estava caída na mesa o tempo todo e de repente pula)

p2: eu embora lá em um & n # 8216; N & # 8217; no nome?

A: desculpe senhor perdeu Natioanl (agora começa a olhar fora da janela)

P1: Então o mnrega leva ao desenvolvimento?

A: depende senhor .. se for usado para desenvolvimento de infra-estrutura como em tamil nadu para construir pontes leva ao desenvolvimento mas como no caso de jharkhand se for usado apenas para cavar poços após poços apenas para manter as pessoas ocupadas não é desenvolvimento .

p1: então se mnrega leva ao desenvolvimento ... por que precisamos de indústrias? então a ONG estava certa?

R: Como eu disse, a alegação de desenvolvimento é discutível e não podemos fornecer a todos o emprego sob o MNREGA, por isso precisamos de industris.

Finalmente P2 sobe.

P2: Me fale sobre seus hobbies?

A: Senhor, eu gosto de resolver sudoku puzles, assistir a partidas de críquete e discutir sobre política nacional com meus amigos.

P2: Ok & # 8230; obrigado .. estamos a fazer .. tomar um caramelo.

A: (pegou um) .. obrigado senhor (e estava saindo)

P2: X você esqueceu sua caneta na mesa? e começou a rir.

A: Desculpe senhor, peguei e saí.

[separador] IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience [/ separador]

WAT: O governo decidiu alocar Rs.400 crores para o desenvolvimento de eventos esportivos e atividades. O autor argumenta que é um completo desperdício de dinheiro, já que o mesmo dinheiro poderia ter sido gasto em saúde e educação (especialmente em um país subdesenvolvido como o nosso). 6 perguntas de acompanhamento.

1º no meu painel.

Dois professores (P1 e P2)

P2: meio 30 & # 8217; s (alunos, provavelmente)

Ambos pareciam animados e alegres.

P2 abriu a porta e me pediu para entrar.

Eu: cumprimentou os dois Good Morning e P1 me pediu para sentar.

P1: Então seu apelido é dodo? (Eu ainda me pergunto como eles descobriram)

MIM; Disse como eu tenho esse apelido e adicionei algumas coisas sobre o pássaro extinto (P1 parecia satisfeito)

P2: Então você é do IIest (anteriormente B. E. College ou BESU). Então, qual é o cenário atual em sua faculdade (academicamente)?

ME: Explicado com alguns exemplos adequados para justificar meus pontos.

P2: Então compare entre JU e BESU.

P1: Então o seu fluxo é Ciência da Computação e Tecnologia. Então, qual é a diferença entre Tecnologia e Engenharia?

Eu: Disse (parecia parcialmente convencido)

P1: O que é ciência da computação (em 1 linha)

ME: Disse (foi uma resposta adequada)

P1: Quem inventou o computador e qual era sua nacionalidade?

ME: disse o nome. Não tinha ideia sobre sua nacionalidade. Disse isso e, em seguida, deu uma palpite (estava errado)

P1: Então calculadora é um computador? porque porque não?

ME: Disse (P1 foi convencido até certo ponto)

Agora o desastre começa.

P2: O que acontece quando eu insiro meu pen drive na porta USB?

P2: Não me diga passo a passo. Como os arquivos são transferidos, como armazenados e assim por diante.

EU: Tentei o meu melhor para explicar.

P2: Suponha que eu quebre meu pen drive. o que vou encontrar dentro dela?

ME: unidades de memória e módulos de drive.

P2: Nada mais?

Eu: Senhor, haverá outros módulos também. No entanto, eu não estou ciente disso.

P2: o que acontece quando eu apago um arquivo do meu laptop. Suponha que im PK (agora explique)

ME: levou dois casos. excluir e ir para a lixeira. e excluir da própria lixeira. Explicou .. Tentei pelo menos.

A discussão prosseguiu por quase os 5 minutos seguintes (houve perguntas como: como a Cbi recolhe informações de um computador se todos os arquivos foram deletados e ordenados. Não sabia)

P1: Você conhece o projecT PARAM?

P1: É uma iniciativa baseada em super computador, adotada pelo governo. Então me fale sobre supercomputadores? O que são eles?

eu: Disse. De alguma forma, disse a definição exata.

Algumas perguntas transversais.

P1: Uve alguns prêmios em matemática. como assunto dat?

P1: encontre a solução expandida para (x-a) (x-b) & # 8230; (x-z)

Eu: Disse-lhes o algoritmo de expansão polinomial normal.

P1: está tudo bem. Mas use alguma heurística e responda em 15 segundos.

Eu: Eu não pude .. (pior erro. Ans seria zero)

P1: Ok. Volte para casa e continue pensando.

P2: qual é o teorema das quatro cores?

EU: não faço ideia senhor (porque deus porque .. matemática tem outras coisas também)

P2: Então, por que você não seguiu a matemática?

Me: contou e também acrescentou como cst envolve matemática também especialmente controle de computador se processos industriais.

ME: falou sobre o laplace transform. Matriz de transição de estados. função de transferência.

P2: o que é uma transformação de laplace?

ME: disse uma definição leiga parcialmente correta.

P2: Só isso mesmo.

Eu: Também falei sobre a transformação Z. Como s-domain pode ser transformado em domínio z.

P2: Então você sabe sobre a disputa que aconteceu durante 2000 na indústria de TI?

Eu: não senhor (deus, eu tinha apenas 7 anos)

P1: (rindo) ele era jovem demais para saber. (Bom. Pelo menos alguém entendeu)

P2: explicou sobre a disputa.

P2: conte sobre alguns desenvolvimentos recentes no setor de TI.

ME: Google glass.

P2: em que estágio de desenvolvimento está.

Me: disse que a produção acaba de começar e ainda está em fase experimental e mercado de consumo desconhecido.

P2: então você sabe sobre o seu funcionamento.

ME: (frustrado até lá) Não, senhor, não estou totalmente ciente disso.

P1 e P2: Obrigado - tudo de bom. Tem alguns chocolates.

Eu: tentei escolher um caramelo. Pegou dois e retornou 1.

P2: você pode ter os dois também.

Eu: não senhor. Eu pretendia tirar apenas 1. Obrigado.

[separador] IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience [/ separador]

Tópico do WAT: O envolvimento de partidos políticos com os corpos estudantis causa inquietação e violência nas instituições. Portanto, os corpos estudantis não devem se envolver com partidos políticos.

Quão forte é o argumento? Dê argumentos para fortalecer ou enfraquecer o argumento dado com evidências.

(Eu acho que eu estraguei tudo muito bem. Eu irei para isso mais tarde)

O painel de entrevistas consistiu em dois professores de aparência jovem.

Entrei, cumprimentei-os. Eles me pediram para se sentar.

P1 e # 8211; (passando pela minha aplicação) Oh! Outro médico. Por que mudança súbita de paradigma?

Eu & # 8211; Deu a resposta. Foi cruz questionada. Eu tentei responder, mas tive a sensação de que eles não estavam totalmente satisfeitos.

Então outro professor que estava ocioso até agora assumiu.

P2- Você acompanha notícias regularmente?

P2 e # 8211; notícias internacionais.

Eu & # 8211; Eu não leio jornais regularmente, mas estou razoavelmente ciente do que está acontecendo.

P2 e # 8211; Bem. O que você sabe sobre & # 8216; hxzfthzgzggzg & # 8217; (Eu não tinha ideia do que ele pediu)

P2 e # 8211; Bem. Diga-me o que você sabe. Algum incidente internacional recente.

Eu & # 8211; Eu sei sobre o recente ataque ao Charlie Hebdo.

P2 e # 8211; Diga-me mais sobre isso.

Eu & # 8211; disse-lhes o que sei. Por que o ataque e outras coisas.

P2 e # 8211; o que você acha que foi um movimento certo por grupo radical?

Eu & # 8211; definitivamente não senhor. Nunca deveria recorrer à violência.

P2 e # 8211; então o que eles deveriam ter feito? Afinal, o charlie Hebdo prejudicou seus sentimentos religiosos.

Eu & # 8211; (pausado por um momento) Hum, senhor, eles poderiam ter tentado resolvê-lo pacificamente. Talvez uma carta aberta de algo do tipo para transmitir sua parte da história.

P2 e # 8211; você acha que o Charlie Hebdo teria parado? Dada a sua história.

Eu & # 8211; (presa) Não, senhor. Eu não acho que eles teriam.

P2 e # 8211; (Unha final) Então, seus problemas não teriam sido resolvidos pacificamente, mas não é certo matar para o mesmo. Então o que eles deveriam fazer?

Eu & # 8211; Senhor, o que estou tentando dizer é que não sou tão informado ou experiente o suficiente para dar solução a essa questão, mas tenho certeza de que há alguma maneira de resolver isso. Nunca deveria recorrer à violência.

P1 e # 8211; vamos falar sobre o ensaio que você escreveu.

(Basicamente eu argumentei que dado argumento é falacioso. Ele assumiu que o partido político é inerentemente violento, eles promovem violência aos corpos estudantis, corpos estudantis os seguem sem pensar. Tantas suposições. Portanto, é falacioso. Deu raciocínio para cada suposição e como poderia estar errado. E concluiu dizendo que apenas uma faceta desta situação é dada. Vantagens desta união, se houver, não são mencionados. Então, a partir de argumentos dado, não se pode concluir que os partidos políticos não devem estar envolvidos com os sindicatos estudantis )

P1 e # 8211; (cont. d) Então, você acha que os partidos políticos não promovem a violência?

Eu & # 8211; Senhor, eu acho que não é sábio generalizar com base em poucos exemplos.

P1 e # 8211; Certo, quantos exemplos você precisa generalizar?

Eu & # 8211; (preso novamente. Tomou uma longa pausa) sorriu e disse, senhor, é subjetivo.

P1 e # 8211; Eu sei que é por isso que eu estou perguntando a você. Quantos exemplos você precisa?

Eu & # 8211; Um senhor. (pausado por mais alguns.)

P1 e # 8211; Bem. Quantos exemplos você conhece?

Eu & # 8211; Eu sei sobre esse incidente nesta universidade.

P1 e # 8211; Além disso?

P1 e # 8211; Bem. Você conhece algum exemplo em que os partidos políticos estão lutando entre si?

Eu & # 8211; Eu penso em maharashtra.

Eu & # 8211; BJP e Shiva Sena. Alguma questão relacionada à eleição. (Eu sei! & # 8216; algum problema & # 8217; & # 8216; eleição & # 8217; Eu tinha que dizer alguma coisa. Eu tenho dito que eu não conheço senhor por muito tempo.)

P1 e # 8211; (visivelmente desapontado) você não acha que as partes lutam?

Eu & # 8211; idealmente, deveria ser um choque saudável. Não tumultos e matança para promover suas festas. (Eu sei que é a Índia, mas eu tive que me ater aos argumentos que fiz)

P1 e # 8211; (desisti eu não pude ver que estava desapontado ou o quê!) Tudo bem. Então, você acha que os partidos políticos deveriam estar envolvidos?

Eu & # 8211; Eu não estou dizendo que eles deveriam, mas a partir da suposição dada, não se pode concluir que eles não deveriam estar envolvidos.

P2 e # 8211; o que você faz no seu tempo livre?

Eu & # 8211; Eu assisto sabonetes e leio livros.

P1 e # 8211; que tipo de shows?

Eu & # 8211; drama médico. Thriller.

P1 e # 8211; diga-me alguns nomes de drama médico.

Eu & # 8211; casa md. Esfrega. Anatomia de cinzas.

P1 e # 8211; o que é a casa md.

P1 e # 8211; porque você gosta disto?

Eu & # 8211; Além das razões usuais, eu gosto porque retrata a história do herói caído. Eu gosto de histórias que caíram heróis.

Eu & # 8211; (instintivamente disse que eu não sei senhor), mas depois tentei explicar.

P1 e # 8211; que outros shows caíram heróis que você assiste?

Eu & # 8211; Doutor quem. E explicou o que é isso.

P1 e # 8211; você pode me dizer o nome do ator que interpretou o médico?

Eu & # 8211; contou. Do 9º médico ao presente.

P1 e # 8211; Eu costumava assistir doutor que também. Eu não acho que é sobre heróis caídos.

Eu & # 8211; explicou como novo médico que reiniciar é diferente do médico clássico que e como eu não assisti ainda.

P1 e # 8211; Você conhece alguma pessoa da Índia que possa ser classificada como um herói caído?

Eu - (amaldiçoei-me por dizer a palavra heróis caídos) fiz uma pausa e disse que não sei. (como eu disse, meu conhecimento geral é ruim para ser franco)

P2 e # 8211; o que mais você faz no seu tempo livre?

Eu & # 8211; Eu jogo TT e leio livros. Mas imediatamente eu adicionei que eu jogo apenas por diversão. Haven não participou de nenhuma competição e eu não tenho nenhum certificado. (modo cauteloso. Me senti como um idiota depois de dizer isso)

P1 e # 8211; claro. Nós não estamos pedindo por isso.

Como você escolhe seus livros?

Eu & # 8211; explicou sobre história diferente e nova. Evite os previsíveis. Bem escrito.

P1 e # 8211; which book have you read recently is well written according to you?

Me – Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.

P1 glanced at other professor and said, count of monte cristo, sir. I think he approved. At least one thing he approved.

P1 – obrigado. You may leave now. Please take a toffee.

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]

WAT – a case study on closing all the teacher development programmes and instead, spending the amount saved in building infrastructure like toilets in school.

Wrote a decent AWT, not great though. It was the first time I encountered a case study. Could have been much much better.

Panel No. 2 ( 1 young alumnus around 35 years of age (Call him L), another one was a senior prof (around 55-60 years of age, call him O).

Time : 18 minutes.

My panelist was adamant in having short interviews for everybody. They announced it even before the start of WAT that only 20 minutes would be given for each candidate.

I was the 3rd one in my group.

L came out, called my name and asked me to come in. I was clearly overwhelmed by the enormity of the event, I could literally hear my heart pounding (generally, I stay very calm). But, I ensured that I enter the room calmly. Wished good morning to L.

Stood next to the seat, wished good morning to O. He asked me to sit down.

O : You are changing your looks quite frequently ?

Me : Sorry, I didn’t get you sir.

O : You used to have french beard, right ?

Me : ( I was like “again”, this is the 4th interview I am being asked about this). Explained how my DGM asked me to remove it.

L : Didn’t you ask for the company’s policies. How could he ask you for sth like that ?

Me : I said I didn’t ask for that, but even I felt that being a face of an organization, one should be neat and trimmed.

O : Does he have any problem with moustache as well ?

Me : I am not sure about moustache, but he had a problem with my french beard.

L : Pointed to O’s moustache. Said sir you are lucky that you aren’t working in a govt. organization. ( We all laughed ).

O : Do you think Mr. Modi should be asked to shave ?

Me : I said yes, if you go by the same logic. (They again laughed)

This discussion calmed my nerves a lot. Felt at ease.

L ; Tell us sth about yourself.

L : Explain your job profile.

L : Why CASA is important ?

Me : Again explained.

L and O then started asking how I convert HNI and corporate clients. They said there is no differentiating factor in the products that banks offer. How you allure clients ?

Talked about importance of service and how it creates differentiating factor. Gave an example of Spicejet ( My client ) and how we got that client from ICICI because ICICI was not offering better services and blah blah.

They asked counter questions on this for 2-3 minutes. They looked convinced in the end.

L : asked me how we can calculate market capitalization.

Me : ( made the biggest blunder of my life, I thought it’s market share ). Talked about how can we calculate it by profits, revenues, size, no. of customers and what not.. I spoke for 2-3 minutes, but all in vain.

O : biggest bank in the country in terms of market capitalization.

Me : SBI(Right answer, luckily), reason given by me was definitely wrong. (I wasn’t aware that market capitalization is just No. of shares floating in the market*Share price.)

L : Why mba, you are destined to become a manager in your organization.

Me : Explained how it will shape my personality. The knowledge that I would gain help me to create difference in the organization I would be working in ad.

L : ohh, you wouldn’t leave your organization then ? (He thought I only want to work in my organization even after MBA).

Me : No, I will resign and clarified on my before answer.

L : Would you like to come back to your organization again ?

Me : I said yes, why not if given an opportunity. Talked about how BOB has helped me in the last 10 months. Experience, knowledge and etc.

L : Pointed out that I was the topper of my stream, why didn’t you go for higher studies like MSC, PHD in physics.

Me : Gave the answer. Showed them how transition happened.

O : Do you remember anything in physics.

Me : Slightly (I said this in extremely low pitch)

O : name a few subjects.

Me : Mechanics, mathematical physics, electromagnetics, thermodynamics (My fav. subject, mentioned it in the end)

O : tell me 3 laws of thermodynamics.

Me : I was behaving as if I am finding it difficult to recall, just a little bit of acting :P. After 10 seconds, blurted out zeroth, 1st and 2nd law.

O : Why zeroth is called zeroth law ?

Me : Explained. Took the opportunity to explain carnot cycle as well. ( I was like, you can’t corner me here, it’s my forte).

O : Nodded. Said mention your subsidiary subjects ( I guess he realized that DU didn’t give me a rank on a platter, I did work hard for it ).

Me : I studied economics in 3rd year.

O : Explain income elasticity and price elasticity.

Me : Explained. ( The only thing I liked after thermo was this subject ) Mentioned giffen goods and inferior goods as exception for price elasticity and income elasticity respectively )

O : Explain why giffen goods and inferior goods are exceptions.

L : Said thank you. Take a cookie.

Me : I said no for cookie and took a toffee (Smiled, he smiled back).

Final Verdict : Convert.

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]

You are a principal of college with 1000 students. A group of students approach you with a proposal to allow opening of a café like Barista on campus. They conducted some surveys – like 90 % students drink tea/coffee daily, 70 % ready to pay at least Rs 80 for good café etc You have to evaluate the proposal, line of reasoning, assumptions etc.

It was quite an easy case, so I think everyone would have been able to write sth good .

Panel 1: 1 prof , 1 Alum (referring both as P only )

Wished them Good Afternoon and sat down.

P: How are you feeling today, then some positive comments on my name.

P: So you completed your engg then left job, what have been keeping you busy since then ?

Me: Sir I have been preparing for Civil services, cleared pre and gave Mains this December and expecting result shortly (then they enquired about the format of mains, how they went etc . I explained the format and told that I am satisfied with my effort and expecting a positive result)

P: How does IIM A fit in the overall scheme of things ?

Me: Explained how the course is relevant to the career of a civil servant, mentioned electives , public systems group at A.

P: If you like Internat. trade then you should study here (i. e. IIFT) it is known for Inter. Trade (both started laughing)

Me: I explained it’s not just about 1 elective but lot of other things. (they look convinced)

P: So you have done your schooling from DPS RKP. What is RK in RK Puram ?

Me: Sir it stands for Rama Krishna, then explained about Ramakrishna Paramhansa.

P: Where did Ramakrishna live ?

Me: In modern day AP (wrong ans) ( both expressed disapproval by shaking their heads)

P: Where did Vivekanada live ?

Me: He meditated and gained knowledge on Vivekanada rock . (again not convinced)

P: Have you travelled anywhere in the country ?

Me: Not much, haven’t got opportunity yet , although spent 9 months in Jamnagar, Gujarat.

P: Tell us about Jamnagar ?

Me: Sir historically it was a princely state , quite rich and now is known for oil sector .

P: Are there any oil fields there ?

Me: No oilfields sir , but it boasts of worlds largest grassroots refinery.

P: If there are no oil fields, then why are the refineries located there ?

Me: Sir because it’s located on coastline and near to Arab peninsula from where most of India’s crude oil is imported .

P: From where is imported crude brought to refinery ?

Me: Basically Mundra port , RIL has its own jetty as well.

P: Where is Mundra port ?

Me: Told its on kutch peninsula.

P: Draw the map of GJ.

Me: drew it neatly and marked Mundra and Jamnagar.

P: What is a peninsula?

Me: Sir it’s a landmass that is surrounded by water from 3 sides.

P: Which sea is located below GJ ?

P: How flight from Dubai to Ahd takes more time than Ahd to Dubai ?

Me: Explained on the basis of permanent planetary winds ( this discussion went on for full 5 minutes )

(After hearing such a technical answer to a generic question, he asked my optional to which I replied Geography . Thus some geog. related questions followed)

P: What are monsoons ?

Me: Explained that they are a seasonal reversal of winds, derived from Arabic word Mausim , Indian economy depends upon it etc.

P: But why does it occur ?

Me: explained in detail about ITCZ shifting, how low pressure is created over N India etc.

P: What are NE monsoons ?

P: What do you do in your free time ?

Me: Sir I like to follow geopolitical events and have a keen interest in geopolitics.

P: What is geopolitics ?

Me: Explained that it studies how geography of a region is linked to its economy and politics and then mentioned how roots of present greek crisis lie in geopolitics.

P: How greek crisis due to it … explain ?

Me: explained in detail starting from WW2 to 1991 (some follow up questions which I was able to handle quite well i. e. again a 5 min discussion)

P: But that happened in 1991 why crisis now ?

Me: Told how they were sustaining deficit since 1991 which has now accumulated into unmanageable debt.

P: What happened in 1991 in India ?

Me: There was a BOP crisis where India had only 2 weeks of forex left. So we went to IMF which demanded reforms. Thus India opened its economy by LPG reforms.

P: What do you mean by LPG (Liberalisation) reforms ?

Me: Told how custom duties were slashed across the board, license requirements eased , pvt. sector banks allowed etc.

P: So we see, you are a proper Delhiite.

P: Why have you written Delhi and not New Delhi ?

Me: Explained that technically even Delhi is wrong, its NCT of Delhi and New Delhi is just a revenue district where all imp govt establishments are located…

P: What does NCT of Delhi include ?

Me: MCD boundaries defined in NCTD act 1991.

P: Do you remember anything from engineering ?

Me: Sir although it has been couple of years, still I can try.

P: Which is your fav subject ?

Me: Sir IC engines, mechanics.

P: Tell us the diff between 3 piston and 4 piston engines.

Me: told about v3 and v4, design, balance, spacing etc.

P: Diff between petrol and diesel engine.

Me: explained in detail (they seemed convinced)

P: What will happen if we reverse the fuels ?

Me: explained (some follow up questions which I handled comfortably.

2-3 min discussion)

P: So that will be all….It was a pleasure talking to you. Take a candy.

Me: Thank you sir, pleasure was all mine. ( I started leaving and forgot to leave their pen on table)

P: Plz leave the pen on the table (I apologised and came out)

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]

Essay Topic: Analyse 2 arguments made by Mr Shah on a new law making CSR mandatory. The 2 arguments were:

1. Some companies might not want to spend part of their profits on certain predetermined activities.

2. The move might discourage companies doing the work voluntarily.

Identify assumptions, evidences to strengthen the arguments and then to refute the arguments.

Mine was Panel-3. I was the third to be interviewed.

One of the profs (A) called me in. The other (B) was busy with his tab. Assume that I am D.

UMA; So, D, what does POWERGRID(my company) do?

D: Told about transmission line construction business, CTU roles of POWERGRID, research in Smart Grid.

A: What is Smart-Grid?

D: Explained Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Net metering and Renewable Energy integration, Power Quality Enhancement, etc. (I explained everything on the rough sheet provided. B was busy with his Tab. A was listening patiently.)

A: Okay. That was quite elaborate. So what do you do as a Civil Engineer in an Electrical Utility Company?

D: Told about my roles and responsibilities in R&D facility development and design, Township designs, etc. I also added that I was involved in CSR activity……

A: Arre wait (smiles), we will come to CSR. Eventually! (Then asked me a few technical questions which I answered)

A: So, D, you have worked in CSR activities, but you wrote a disappointing essay.

D: Sir, I agree. Actually, I have worked on and read a lot about CSR. On seeing the topic, I was excited. I tried to put in all that I could recall through my work and research. And, I was also a bit nervous. And the space was limited, and the time was limited. I have put in many examples.

A: Okay, re-read the case. (Hands over the paper to me-Now B starts looking at me) Analyze the arguments. What does he say about the pre-determined activities?

D: Sir, the Act specifies 9 activities for mandatory spending of CSR. Some companies might not want to spend on any of these areas if those activities are not at all in sync with their business policy. In that case, it would be a –

A: What are those 9 areas?

D: Swacch Bharat, Namami Ganga, National Skills Development Programme, Health and Sanitation,-

A: But Sanitation is covered under Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan, right?

D: Yes Sir, the latter is for creating awareness and providing health facilities and providing clean water, etc. I do not remember all the 9 areas.

A: So, what is your say on Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan?

D: Sir, provision of water in villages with no electricity and water facilities is a big challenge. Awareness is also an important issue-

A: How good is the scheme?

D: It is a god scheme. Yet, incomplete without awareness and water facilities.

A: Modi himself is sweeping roads, don’t you think it is enough!

D: Sir, the real motto of Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan is to make India Open-Defecation free by 2019-

A: Only for humans or animals also?? (Smiles)

D: Only for humans, as of now. (I smile back). Sir, if you plot awareness with time as per what Modi is doing, you will get a lot of spikes followed by degradation. (I draw the plot on rough paper. B smiles). This is not sustainable awareness. Instead, you need a total awareness at the grass-root level. (Drew curve of Continuously rising awareness and started explaining how the latter surve is better). Here, both B & A start smiling at me.

B: Okay, What is demographic mix of Malegaon(my home-town)?

D: More than 67% are Muslims.

D: Started with 16th -17th century events when a fort was built. And the masons were from Surat and were Muslims. They settled there and started weaving works. After Famines in North India in 19th century, Muslim weavers from Varanasi, Allahabad came to Malegaon and started Handloom business. During Partition, Muslims from Telengana shifted to Malegaon.

B: Why did they shift to Malegaon? There are so many other places in Maharashtra.

D: Sir, Muslims were already in majority due to earlier 2 events. Post independence, there was a lot of mass movement. Muslims migrated to Muslim majority regions. Hindus, to Hindu majority ones. So, Muslims shifted to Malegaon. That is why, in our local dialect, we have some Hyderabadi touch. (A& B smile)

B: What bout Mollywood?

D: Yes Sir, we have a domestic film industry in Malegaon. Initially, it started with making spoofs of well-known films. Like Malegaon-Ke-Sholay, etc. The industry promotes local talent and gets good response from people. We have started with some original works on contemporary issues. It plays a very positive role in Hindu - Muslim unity in our town.

B: Two years back, a film/documentary was released by Mollywood which was based on some disease and it received critical acclaim at international level. One of the prominent personalities in the movie died of the same disease 2 months after its release. Tell me about that.

D: (Blank face) I don’t know about that Sir.

A: Okay, D, What do you do in free time?

D: (Again took the rough paper and explained with a table, both A& B start smiling) Sir, On Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, I work in an NGO named Prayatna School of Excellence. Here, I am involved in a project to segregate students not according to age but according their learning levels in different subjects. (Now, I thought Harmonium has to be told-I don’t have time. Speak Fast-Darshit-Speak Fast!) (Then, I went into super fast speech mode) Here, We have used 2 dimensional Matrix analysis to work out…… (explaining at length)

A: What was your role in this?

D: Actually, I took this initiative after I had read a case study by Pratham-NGO and MIT based J-PAL. I am doing this project on a pilot basis on a small group of students. It will be put on a larger scale later. Sir, apart from this, I also play Harmonium. (Finally I said that!)I am a student at Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya in Hindustani Classical Vocal. My school is affiliated to Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad……..(super fast speech mode)….I am also learning to play flute and….

A: OK OK OK. Baap re(In Hindi). Both A&B smile (at length)

A: What is this INSDAG?

D: Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG) is under ministry of Steel to promote steel as construction material. I was awarded a Gold Medal by INSDAG for innovativeness and creativity in designing modernized railway station platform. It was a team of 4 people. Sir, one of my team mates is currently a student at IIM Ahmedabad-

B: What is his name?

D; Sir, Jay Trivedi.

D: We came with a design which made 40% material savings.

D: Again took the paper. Disbussed the structural system in normal gables. Gave its disadvantages. Explained that we went for Multibrace system. Hollow sections. ….. Torsional rigidity…..cross bracings….(lot and lot of technical stuff…Filled the enire rough paper-Finally I had no place to scribble!)

B: So, why is your name so complicated? What actually is your name?

A (to B): Look. His name is D. Hariprasad is his father’s name. Certo?

A: Ok D, that will be all. You can take candy (Smile)

D: (Smile) Sure, Sir!

A: (Watches closely) Take 2 if you want.

D: (Started selecting the second one-Which one to choose??I took éclairs!) OK Sir.

(Both A& B smiling.) Thank You!!

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]

So IIMA interview actually thats been a dream in itself let alone converting it reached at 8:40.

I was number 8 on my panel thts the last was not askin everyone abt how theres went wud hv put faltu pressure on myself just revised some acads n stuff.

3 ppl on panelProf 1, prof 2, Prof acads (PA) moi isshtudent (S)

P1: Please come Mr. X have a seat give me ur file..

P1: So you seem to be a great guy haan.

(almost laughing) so much in the form.

S: Yes sir very feebly.

P1: so you demonstrate bones, right.

S: (Whts that:wow: ) I am sorry sir.

P1: You hv written it here.

S: Sir thats Bone Densitometer its a product I used to sell whe I was at ******** ltd.

P1: what does it do?

S: long mentioned abt osteoporosis, a bone disease because of lack of calcium, smoking and other stuff.

P1: (pointing towards P2) should lecture him about smoking.

All of us have a light laugh.

P1: So what does patient with bad calcium shud eat:

S: eggs and milk preferably.

P1: I m vegetarian and consider milk also to be non veg.

S: Calcium supplements are available off the counter.

P1: No medicines for me.

S: (Just forgot banana) vegetables.

S: I dont recollect sir.

P1: ok anyways… so u were in sales for 2 yrs b4 u left…. did u like the experience…

P1: how were ur targets set….

S: i dont recollect sir( shit yaar ,:( its avg revenue per user)

P1: What were ur 3 major learnings at blue star.

S: answered decently.

P1: How do u define success for a salesman.

S: answered properly.

P2: so u were in medical electronics.

P2: so what is telemedicine.

S:explained properly(had read a lot abt this while working)

Then P2 went into more more specifics of the same… examples… did well.

PA: so u r an electronics engineer.

S: sir electronics and telecommunications engineer.

PA: OK, (he structured this question very nicely in laymans language)… how does mobile switch to a particular frequency.

S: explained the process…

PA: Ok, diff between transverse and longitudinal waves.

S: gave some points , not satisfactory..

PA started getting into very basics of waves… 3d, x y z axis… almost 5-6 min faltered atleast 30-40% of the time… shit man if i cud hv 12th physics book wid me that time … however, tried to smile still…

PA: Lets move ahead…. difference between light and radio waves…

S: Sir light has dual nature and…

PA: wait, consider only wave.

S: sir both are electromagnetic waves… howevwer light has much higher freq.. its used in Optical fibres with much better BW…

P1: Ok X. i think that will be enough… pl take ur certificates.

S: thank you sirs…

P1: btw what calls do u hv…

P1: OK thank you.

Moi almost leaving..

PA: Please help urself with a toffee.

Again the same feeling wat i had after K interview… no idea how did it go…almost 35 min.

As for suggestions… do ur acads strongly from a practical point of view… por exemplo. for me it went into GSM CDMA from a basic phone call… and this was seen in lot of interviews…

So small dream of appearing for A interview over …:)

fingers crossed for big dream… neutral.

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i was first to be interviewed n only girl in my group.

there were 3 panelists (p)

all through my interview they kept smiling n laughing…..n thus i was so comfortable n smiling too.

p: asked abt my college, when establised, all the courses it offers, what r future prospects of my course….

p: diff b/w rna n dna….

me: answered properly…..

p: asked a lot abt viruses..

me: told briefly…

p: asked abt evolution…..whats the need of evolution…..all theories of evolution…..diff b/w them.

Me: answered properly….. and this discussion went on for 10-12 mins. they tried to confuse me lot in this… satisfied at last ( smiled at every answer i gave)

p: asked abt shekhawat……shekhawati ( a place in rajasthan )……similar places in rajasthan.

me: answered all abt shekhawats ( i m a shekhawat) bt couldnt tell abt similar places of rajasthan.

p: born n brought up in delhi.

me: yes sir….( wth a sweet smile)

only 2 panelists were asking n third was busy reading my profile….

and then the third one asked.

p: how to find sugar conc. of blood…

me: told in proper sequence….

p: how to find avg. sugar conc. of a month.

me: ( i hav nt heard abt any such avg.. stuff) so i said v can only find conc. at any moment…

p: again insisted …..that there should be some way.

me: tried bt couldnt. ( later i found tht there is way….. bt mbbs students study these things in details nt we….:( )

p: name all north eastern states of india.

p: what are their capitals?

me: tried….bt doing mis-matches.

sir….i do remember the name of places…

p: bt dnt rememer the exact match.

me:( wth smile) yes sir .

then they asked me to leave……bt third panelist stopped me and asked this last ques.

p: one last ques…..y mba?

me: told properly…..( this is the only ques i was a lot grilled upon in previous interviews… here no counter ques…..) n rest 2 panelists were nodding there heads as if they are very convinced)

me: i said that i want to work in bio tech n pharma industry only……….then explained a lot……n at last said….”being from bio medical background i can understand things( in this industry) better n can benefit this industry( pharma) a lot.”

p: u wll benefit or u can be benefited…

me: both things r there…

all of them them laughed a lot on this answer…….n then asked me take a toffee n leave wth wide smiles on their faces.

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Content wise very good as I knew time was less and I had to finish it soon. However, my writing was very bad.

Hope Panel does not take offence at it.

Personal Interview: (Was the second one to be interviewed. In all my interviews till date, I have been in 2nd/3rd place.)

LP: An elegantly dressed, extremely smart Lady Professor around 50. She was considerably articulate and had a little English accent. She seemed to be an HR Professor.

OP: A pretty Old Professor around 55 who was grilling everyone on Interests and General Awareness. He slept for the rest of my interview.

TP: Technical Professor around 40 years of age. He was very casual in his approach.

The Interview was pretty vague and related to almost everything that was either in my certificates or form. Though they did not try stress much, but the range of questions asked made it a mild stress interview. The demeanor of IIMC Professors suggested a more Professional approach than A’s.

OP and TP never hesitated to crack a joke whenever I missed answering something. LP was very cordial and always made me feel at home. It was only due to her that I did not feel any stress at all, though it was her questions that I failed to answer most of the times.

TP comes out and follows me in. I said Good Afternoon to each of them individually.

TP: X, You are working as .. at ..

Me: Yes Sir. A little Intro about Work-Ex..

TP: X what all did u study in Computer Science?

Me: Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Data Structures, Algorithms etc.

TP: What in Data Structures and Algorithms?

Me: Link List, Trees, Sorting Algorithms..

TP: Which Sorting Algorithms?

Me: Quick Sort, Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Binary Sort.

TP: Analyze the Complexity of Each One of them.

Me: Explained about Big Oh notation. Then compared the worst case and average case complexities of all the sorting algorithms.

TP: Have you done the Knapsack problem, n-queens problem in Algorithms.

Me: I covered each one of them, but I might not be able to recollect everything related to them.

TP: Okay, What did you do at your company?

Me: told decently.

TP: What is Six Sigma?

Me: The result driven methodology used to improve the quality in the processes and help the bottom-line of the companies.

TP: Why the name Six Sigma is given?

Me: A long discussion for 1-2 minutes. Some cross-questions related to shifting of the mean, standard deviation and more.

LP: Can I take it over from here?

LP: X, You have done Technical Writing..

Me: (Tries to stress my mind when I did it.)

LP: And u have got a good grade in it.

Me: Madam, it was Technical Communication.

LP: Right, So what did you do in it?

Me: Utter crap for 1 minute. It was a course I took in the 2nd year and have forgotten all about it.

LP: (Probably she thought I am serious) So u Studied the structuring of the report. Named the Two theories and asked me to differentiate between them.

Me: Ma’am I have never heard about these theories.

LP: Oh, Leave it No problem.

Me: More crap about Rhetoric, Formal Business Language.

LP: X, Why should we not use Rhetoric in Business Reports?

Me: Some explanation of Rhetoric. Language used in Fictions.

LP: So I should say “X, Come Here” and not “X, Please come here and take the seat.”

Me: I think the second sentence suffers from Rhetoric. But this particular usage is due to other reasons.

LP: It is not so. Anyways, what did you do in this course in Management?

Me: Marketing, General Management, Accounting, Quality Measures, ISO standards, 4Ps of marketing, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

LP: Question on 4P.

Me: Explained about Product, Place and Price. (Forgot about promotion) Admitted that I cannot recollect the fourth one.

LP: Questions on Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs.

Me: Explained Basic Needs and Self-Actualization Needs. Forgot the middle levels of Hierarchy. Then some cross-questions.

LP: (to OP) Okay Sir, you can take over..

OP: Oh Yes, X what are your interests in sports.

Me: Volleyball, Tennis, and Cricket.

OP: Your father was a state level volleyball player. Are you also?

Me: No Sir, I am not such a good Volleyball player.

OP: So you play Tennis well.

Me: Pretty well, but my service is not that good.

OP: Tennis is all about Service.

Me: Yes Sir, but I meant I do not have a speedy serve, otherwise it is Okay.

OP: Okay X, if two players are tied on 6-6 on games in a set in Wimbledon final, what will happen?

Me: The match will enter into tiebreak.

OP: And what happens in tie-break.

Me: The player who wins 7 points first maintaining a difference of at least 2 points.

OP: And if it is 7-6 on points in the tie-break.

Me: Then they will continue playing until a player creates a difference of at least 2 points.

OP: Why at least? It should be exactly (Laughs)

Me: Yups. (sheepish smile)

OP: Or is it that a player can jump over 2 points. (LP joins in laugh)

Me: Joins the laugh.

OP: Okay X, how many states are there in North-East?

OP: 9 or 10 or 11.

Me: Sir, I am not sure.

OP: Okay, So let us start counting them..

Me: Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Nagaland, Assam, Bhutan (though I had Sikkim in mind).

OP: Then we can say Nepal also. (Even now failed to take the hint that I messed it up)

Me: No, it is a separate country.

OP: Who is the king of Nepal?

Me: King Gyanendra.

OP: What are the Mountain ranges in Nepal?

Me: Mount Everest.

OP: A site famous for Pilgrims in Nepal.

Me: Do remember one in India – Amarnath but none in Nepal.

OP: Well, we can visit Amarnath via Nepal, but it will be pretty long way (Laughs along with LP)

LP: Some more questions that I do not remember..

Okay X, Thank you very much. (Did not ask me to take a toffee. Hopefully, they have reserved a bigger toffee for me.)

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P1 : So X where are you working…

Me : Sir I am working in Pune…

P1 : I mean which company…

Me : Sir HSBC Software Development India…

P1 : So HSBC you are in the banking domain…

Me : Sir no sir we develop software for the HSBC bank…

P1 : What kind of Software…

Me : Sir Banking Software…. I am personally working on the Personal Internet Banking Application for HSBC USA…

P1 : So doesn’t HSBC use commercial banking softwares…

Me : No Sir as a group policy we believe in developing our own applications…

P1 : What exactly are you working on…

Me : Sir frontend technologies…

P3 : So this has nothing to do with your electronics background…

P3 : What is CDMA and GSM and the difference between them…

Me : Explained both in detail… they further quizzed me what is TDM, FDM and CDMA… told them that too in detail…

P3 : What is USM…

Me : Told them I dont know because I had hardly heard of it…

P3 : What is RFID… and tell me some applications…

Me : Explained in detail and clearly what is RFID…

P3 : Where exactly do radio waves come in the spectrum… and also light red and violet… infra red, gamma rays etc…

Me : Drew a rough frequency spectrum diagram and explained them was sort of convincing…

P3 : What is Tri Bands in a cell phone…

Me : Thought for some time and told them that I dont know… they asked me aren’t you curious about the cellphones that you use being a E&TC; engineer… I politely smiled and told them that I had not come across that and thus had no idea… One more question on the same… same answer…

P3 : So you work in Java… ( P1 gets up and leaves the room for some time…)…

P3 : So what is the difference between C and Java…

Me : Explained them the diff… told him that Java has greater ease of use and enables cross linking of libraries very easily… which is not possible in C… Java is also machine independent… whereas C is not… ( Now I have come to know that one of the major difference is that Java is an OOPS language while C is not…. had always thought that C was an OOPS language too… anyways managed it decent enough)

P3 : No no give me an application example for C and Java…

Me : I said that sir for simple stand alone applications I could use C and that for a complex web application I would use Java…

P3 : Then what is Java developed in…

Me : Told him that it was developed in C…

P3 : So isn’t Java a complex application…

Me : I said Yes sir but then Java enables us not to reinvent the all over again…

P1 had just returned and on hearing the word wheels his eyes lit up…

P1 : So GM you quiz… then could you tell me which civilization invented the started using the wheel around 500 years ago…

Me : I was stumped by the question… thought over the question for some time… and then with a smile answered Sir I don’t know…

P1 : So what do you like quizzing or setting a quizzer…. here P2 also chipped in probed a bit more…

Me : Told them that I liked both of them equally as each had something that appealed to me…

One of the very few times that P2 pitched in… maybe he was just judging me on my body language…

P1 : So what sports do you follow…

Me : Sir Basketball(NBA), Football, and Formula 1 (Ikes the order should have been in the reverse thats being careless with your words… but anyways already out)

P1 : Basketball… so how many leagues are there in the US…

Me : Sir there is the college league and professional league(NBA)…

P1 : Any other leagues…

Me : Sir there is the Street League in which the rules are relaxed…

P1 : Who is the MVP…

Me : Sir this year’s has not been declared… as the All Stars has yet to take place…

P1 : Ok last years then…

Me : Thought over it for some time and then said Sir I can’t recollect…

P1 : How many teams are there in the NBA…

P1 : Have the All Stars taken place…

Me : Sir they are to take place today…

P1 : So football… what is happening in football these days…

Me : Started talking about the coming Euro Championships for which teams are preparing…

P1 : What about the Premier League…

Me : Told them that Man U is leading Chelsea by 6 points… 66 to 60…

Me : Sir Arsenal… he asked me 3 times… I said it is… then he said that currently Arsenal was 4th and Liverpool 3rd…

P1 : Who is the highest scorer for Man U…

Me : George Best… then correct myself saying Ruud Van Nistelrooy(both are incorrect)…

P1 : Who is the highest scorer right now in the league overall and for Man U…

Me : Thought again and then smiled and said cant recollect Sir…

P1 : So who do you like in Man U…

Me : Still stuck in the last question I blurted out Paul Scholes…

P1 : So dont you like Wayne Rooney and Christiano Ronaldo…

Me : Sir I think Rooney is a bit too aggressive… and I like Scholes as he has been a real work horse for a long time…

P1 : So which position does he play in…

Me : Sir he is a midfielder…

P1 : What is the current standing in the Spanish League…

Me : Told him Barca 1st… Real Madrid 3rd…

P1 : Who is second…

Me : Sir I think Getaffe (another incorrect answer)

P1 : What about the Italian League… by the way what is it called…

Me : Thought for a long time and answered Serie A… told them that Inter was leading the same…

P1 : What is the recent controversy in Italy…

Me : Told him about the killing of a policemen and all…

P1 : Tell me the other controversy before this…

Me : Told him about the match fixing controversy… and relegation of the teams…

P1 : Which all teams were relegated…

Me : Sir Juventus and A S Roma (incorrect once more Roma is second in the league right now…)

P1 : What about the German League…

Me : Sir I am not aware of the exact standing but I know of the teams…

P1 : The Dutch league…

Me : Sir Again just the teams…

P1 : Ok name a few then…

Me : Ajax… Feynoord… Rotterdam FC…

P2 : What about Indian football…

Me : Sir I dont follow it much but I do know of the teams…

P1 : Why is it that India fares so badly in football and also the reason for it being so less popular…

Me : Sir blah blah about it being overshadowed by cricket.. lack of infrastructure and facilities…

P2 : Why is cricket so popular then…

Me : Sir loads of money… may be we have had decent successes in cricket… winning the world cup etc…

P2 : I feel that cricket is just a way to show patriotism thats why Indians like it…

Me : Rephrased earlier answer…

P1 : (Out of the Blue) What is the unique thing about the CJI of India…

Me : Fumbled with it and again the smile came on and said a polite cant recollect… (The answer is that he is the first Dalit CJI of India)

P1 : Ok then just name a few past CJI’s of India…

Me : Sir at this moment I am unable to recollect…

The panel looks at each other and finally says ok X… thanks a lot… take toffee… and your file too…

Before getting up showed them the magazine that i was the editor for… P1 went through it once…

Got up told them Sir no thanks for the toffees… they said do take… finally relented and took a polo ring…

Overall had a decent interview… It was a mixed bag quite a few good answers… avoidable NO’s… and 2-3 wrong answers…. after the interview had a felling that I could have done better…

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]

3 people in panel.

1: a beautiful and old lady . will cal her p1.

2:a prof of operations . so will call him p2.

3:a maths bond. so will call him p3.

I was the last one to be interviewed in the panel. the lady came out and called me in. but she left the room at that time.

p2:-hey you do not at all look like a graduate student. it seems as if you are in10 standard. he was smiling.

ME:-i too gave a smile.

p3:-yes he is correct you actually look like a 10 stndrd student.

ME:-i again gave a smile.

p3:-so what are you doing in final year project.

(An important advice for all freshers at least have an idea about your B. tech project as in IIM A prof might directly ask you this. specially for iim a intrvw.)

me:-( the question i hated the most was my first question)

BUT luckily the project was on data secutity over network. and lady prof and p2 definately did n’t had a clue of wht i was saying. only p3 could nderstand what i was saying. and got away with the answer easily)

p2:-do you know what is difference between data and information.

me:-data is in raw form and processed data is called information.

p3:-explain with an example.

me:-suppose two players play and i have the data of their scores. and after reading them i can say probablity of a winnig is say .7 this is information.

p3:-what is knowledge and if you answer this then what is widom will be the last question.

me:-sir information i draw after reading information is knowledge i myself didn’t know wht i was saying)

p3:-i did n’t get you how is tht different from information.

me:-sir for ex for future i know that a is more likely to win that is knowledge.

p3:-some how convinced then ok what is wisdom.

me:-what you gain through experience.

p3:-what is knowledge transfer. you have got a jog .

me:-yes isr in accenture tech.

p3:-then after 1.5 yrs you will be doing this.

me:-i said i can guess.

p3:-you have to guess as you will get ot know it after 1.5 yrs he was smiling .

me:-tried but he was not convinced.

then p2 jumped in WHY M. B.A.

me:-answered (prepared one)

p2:-ok i know all that.

me:-(thnku for not doing any cross question)

p2:-why you have such a low ackds score.

me:-: sir honestlly i was not serious when i joined engrng. had joined hostel first time so got carried away. but i realised in third year that carrier is very impt. so studied hard for CAT.

P1:- for the first time . i know that that’s wy you r here. but when you get inside then what.

me:-madam i will definately work well.

(people i think if you have low ackds score then if you honestly agree that it was a mistake then i think will have less negative then giving fake excuses.

p1:-ok you seem to be a really intresting candidate and you are the last one too so we will have a longer intrvw for you.

p1:-so you know pranayam.

then some genreral stuff on yoga i answered well.

p1:-you are a reiki healer what is it.

then some discussion on reiki and acupressure.

i handled it well.

p1:- you listen to discourses on OSHO.

then some discussion on his fundamentals i handled that well too.

p2:-ok what is difference between bill and act.

me:-sir first a bill is proposed and finally it becomes an act.

p2:-how a bill becomes an act.

me:-sir not sure but some voting is done and then if president agrees then bill becomes an act.

p2:-come on you do not know how a bill becomes an act(although i gave the right answer i suppose but was not sure).

me:-for eg U. P.S. C they do not give the criteria for rejecting the candidate. tat is vioation.

p3:- i want to ask you some maths. are you comfortable.

p3:-which part of maths.

me:- i said calculus maxima minima.

p3:-diff or intitgration.

me:-sir no particular inclination.

p3:-ok plot graph ofx/x.

me:- did that and said it is signum function.

p3:-is it differentiability at x=0;

me:-no sir not continous at x=0.

p3:-write the condition of continuity.

p3:-is differentiable at x=0;

me:- no sir you can make as many tangents as you want on x=0;

p3:-what are all this tangents called.

me:- i do not know sir.

p3:-what is condition of diffentiabilty.

p3:-gave a graph to me. guess which graph is this.

me:-sir some sinosuidal curve.

me:- sir let me see.

p3:-what will you see i am not giving you any additional information.

p3:-have you heard of quadratic equation.

me:-yes sir 2 nd degree equation.

p3:-draw the graph.

me:-will depend on no of roots. but it is a parabola.

me:- then suddenly i saw curve was zero at three points.

me:- sir is this correct.

p3:- yes this is a cubic equation.

me:- sir you people were really friendly.

i thought i would have a stress intrvw.

p3:-we do not believe in a stress intrvw.

p1:-you are a reiki healer you can cure us. why will we stress you. she was smiling .

in all it ws a grt intvw experience with grt iim a prof.

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Duration – 4 mins to think + 20 mins of discussion + 5 mins of summary.

Snapshot – Though the case was quite limited but still group was able to discuss lot many things with some chaos occurring when some people straight away started discussing about the solution without analyzing the problem. But , others were able to control them though not fully but to some good extent. I chipped in 4-5 times.

My performance – 6/10.

P1: Serious one (atleast compared to the other 2 in the manner he was conducting the gd, pi)

P2: Young one (again relatively)

P3: Most casual of the 3 but at the same time interviewing with utmost sincerity.

CF – yours truly.

P1: Did you have tea outside?

CF: I don’t drink tea. I like coffee.

P1: Why coffee? It is bad for your health.

CF: I like the taste and it is one’s own choice.

P3: So, you like coffee in Baristas, CCDs etc.

CF: I prefer my aunt’s coffee any day.

P1: Why some coffee is better thanthe other?

CF: The quality of the ingredients, the recipe etc.

Then there was some discussion on coffee beans, ingredients used in preparation of coffee.

P1: You are in a room with all the ingredients of a coffee and various varieties of each one of them. Write a pseudocode for preparing a coffee keeping in mind that you don’t know anything.

CF: Takes a minute and writes.

In between P1 interrupts and says ok so wat have yor written tell me.

Then there is a discussion on the same with some counter arguments.

P1: All the things inside the room are scattered say all the types of beans. Which sorting technique will you use to sort them and on what parameter?

CF: Answers decently.

P3: What does your name mean?

CF: Explains and gives the origin as well.

P3: Who was Guru Gobind Singh? (my univ name)

CF: He was the last guru (10th) of sikh community.

P2: Why did they need gurus?

CF: Smiles and tells that I don’t know the reaason behind it.

P1: Why was he the last guru? Is 10 a good number that’s why?

Everybody starts laughing.

CF: Again don’t know the reason behind it but before his death he told that from now onwards guru granth sahib will be the guru for whole of the sikh community.

P3: Diff between server and proxy server?

P3: How many protocols are there?

P3: Then, why only one protocol is used for communication?

CF: Sir, it is the combination of 2 protocols used for comm. TCP+IP. Explains and then tells UDP is also used.

P3: Diff between UDP and TCP.

CF: Answered (could have been little better)

P2: You like travelling. Which all places you have travelled?

CF: Little bit surprised as I didn’t mention travelling in my form. But started telling the places.

I had actually written my area of interest as knowing about different places around the world.

P2: Whcih place fascinates you?

CF: There are different parameters to judge a place and depending upon these parameters my choice may be different at different points of time.

CF: I spoke about London and the reason why. (I am glad I did that)

P3: Discuss London, its history etc.

CF: Didn’t have much idea about history so started with saying that football originated from one of the taverns in london, england.

P3: You like watching EPL therefore London. Starts smiling.

after this around 10 questions on EPL, Champions league, clubs, highest scorers etc.

CF: Answered all except one.

P2: Ok, since you like to travel, tell me if you go westwards from Delhi which all old civilizations you will encounter?

CF: Answered apart from missing 1-2 civilizations.

P1, P2 and P3: Look at each other and nod at each other saying done.

P3: You can take a toffee and have coffee outside.

My performance – 7/1.

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]

GD: case study about liquid glucose company wanting to expand sales to client, instead the client decides to stop orders altogether. This is because the drums in which the liquid glucose is supplied leak and change the colour of the final product offered by the cllient. Also, the liquid glucose company tends to change its prices every month. What should the CEO of glucose company do? ( elaborating – on special request )

Tell me about your work.

Why is support necessary?

Why dont IT companies just rewrite the entire code to get rid of problems?

Who’s your client? (automobile major)

Where is Electronics in automobiles?

Difference between electronics and electrical.

Fundae on final yr project.

Explain Failure on job written in form (had made a mistake in the form here)

Explain behaviour in significant incident mentioned in form .. average answer here.

Where have you travelled .. replied that primarily south india.

Name 3 districts in Rajasthan apart from Jaipur.

Name 5 districts in Maharashtra apart from mumbai n nagpur.

Why did i say not mumbai n nagpur? Whats the connection?

Why did you schedule interview in Bangalore n not Mumbai since ur from Pune? ..had got chickenpox in feb n had to reschedule.

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]

Three professors were there.

Old(abt 33 years), older(abt 40 years), oldest(abt 50 years).

old: So is resurant staff is providing tea and biscuits.

Me :No Sir for last one hour, they hav provided nothing but water.

Orders the staff for providing the tea. and reads my resume.

old: So u r doing good in ur job then why MBA.

Me: tells him that want to move through hieracrchy fastly.

Old: So which is ur company’s product.

old : So how incentive is related to sales and draw one graph when no of employees are increasing and sales also incresing,

Me: Tries to draw something and shows him.

old :Ok now draw the graph when no of employees increasing and sales remaing costant.

Me :drwas something and shows him.

Old : give me equation for it.

Me :struggles and gives up that I don’t know. (God!…why I didn’t read anything abt Graphs.

Older: So ur hobby is watching movies?

Older: which movies u recently hav seen?

Older : so which one got Oscar for best movie.

Older: which one got film fare?

Tea comes. They offered me and I said sure…took one sip and continues with the convesation.

Older: which 2006 movies u liked.

Older: so who r two heroines in Dor.

Me:gives the answer.

Older: who is the director.

Me:gives the answer.

Older:So which is last movie Nagesh K has directed?

Me : I don’t remember but can u give me some hint.

Older:It has marath actor.

Older: u saw Omkara.

Me :yes sir ..its based on Shekspere Othello.

Older: Who is the director.

Older :Vishal Bhardwaj.

which is his last movie.

Me: don’t remember ….any hint?

Older :again based on shekspere drama.

Oldest enters in conversation.

Oldest: So u hav excellent acads till HSC but ur grads r quite low during engg …why?

Me :Gives the answer.

Oldest : So what is happening in retail sector in india.

Me :Gives the answer.

Oldest :u know FDI.

Me :Gives the answer.

Oldest : so why FDI is limited to 21% , 74%

Me: gives my opinion and tells him that its my opnion and I am not sure abt exact reason.

Old :Thank u…. u can finish ur tea outside.

Take the toffee.

Me :Thanks u sir.

Comes outside and finished the tea and happily goes outside as the last interview was complete.

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator.

Acads:X: 89 CBSE Board.

XII: 83.6 CBSE Board.

Grad: 8.3/10 Btech Mechanical IIT Delhi.

Work-Ex: 42 Months, PwC, ICICI and iCreate.

Extra curricular: Nothing great to highlight.

Essay Topic and brief snapshot of how you went about it:

“Direct cash transfer will reduce the problem of leakage in subsidy”

Average attempt: Not very factual write up but I ensured to conclude the essay. (Just an advice, manage your time so that you are able to conclude the essay, do not leave it in between)

Duration: around 15-20 minutes.

Two male profs P1 and P2.

P1: Professor from analytics and business intelligence domain.

P2: Younger of the two, seemed to be quant expert.

And here it goes.

P1: So bhaumik tell us something about yourself.

Me: Sir I did my graduation so and so……..for last 3 years I am working in BI…..(and he stopped me here before I can go on to explain my work)

P1: Ok, so what is BI?

Me: Sir if I explain it in layman terms, then it means….(stop)

P1: No, forget layman, let us actually talk what is BI.

Me: I gave some gyan on what business intelligence is and what do I do.

P1: Why the name Business Intelligence, what is so intelligent in it? Dont you think it is a very fancy name?

Me: I tried to convince him, it is about exploring information which is hidden in data blah blah (but he seems unconvinced)

P1: Ok, can you tell us specific analytical models you have built?

Me: Sir, I have not worked extensively on analytical models, my role has been more on functional requirement gathering and reports side.

P1: can you tell us some report you have designed etc etc?

Me: took an example from my project with bank mandiri, Jakarta…

P1: But what is so extra ordinary in this work…any normal human being can do this….i do not see any intelligence in this.

Me: tried to convince him with some more gyan…(but he did not seem happy)

P2: You have such a good profile and this work does not seem to be going good with your profile.

Me: was speechless, could not think what to respond, again went on explaining on how my work is different, what challenges are involved etc etc..

P2 takes the lead from here on.

P2: You have done graduation in mechanical, but you are now working in other industry. How do you think you are able to apply what u learned in mechanical?

Me: Sir, it is true that from technical perspective I am not applying what I learned in mechanical, but if I see from a broader perspective whatever I learned and did at IIT has helped me enhancing my problem solving and time management skills and I am able to utilize those in my current work.

P2: problem solving…..Ok….. I will ask you a problem in math.

P2: Two men A and B are playing a game of throwing a ball into the hoop. Probability of A throwing the ball in the hoop is .2 and probability of B throwing the ball in the hoop is .3. Game stops as soon as one of them is able to throw the ball in the hoop. What is the probability that A will win.

Me: It was such a simple problem to solve….but I made a lot of blunders. There were lot of questions in between on why u have done P(A) * P(B), what do you mean by independent events etc….at the end I still seemed confused and was not able to solve the problem.

Both P1 and P2 seemed a little disappointed.

P1: Ok tell me on what topic in maths do you want us to ask question.

Me: (this was a gamble, if I choose a topic and not able to answer I was gone). I told any topic should be fine sir.

P1: (With a angry look, took a pen and paper and drew some random graph) Can you draw the graph of derivative of this function?

Me: thank god, I did not panic and somehow it clicked me on how to go about it. I was able to do it perfectly. There were questions in between on why this change from concave to convex etc…what is point of inflexion. I answered them all. ( My opinion, I think this was the only turning point in my interview, profs were not expecting that I would be able to solve it but I was able to and it seemed that they gained confidence in me after this)

P1: Ok, Bhaumik. So you have been to Jakarta. Can you compare Jakarta and delhi.

Me: I spoke some random points.

Me: Are you looking for anything specific in the comparison sir?

P1: Tell us something about people, culture etc.

P1: ok, so lets say if you want to see penguins, what all countries of the world would you travel?

Me: Sir penguins are mostly found in antarctica.

P1: No No …tell me the name of countries, Antarctica is not a country.

Me: Sir – New Zealand, Australia.

Me: don’t know other sir.

P1: Ok what about Zebra?

Me: (thinking on what to speak…….) before I even start P2 pushed another one.

P1: Ok, at least tell me about Timbaktu. Where will you find timbaktu? This was in news recently, you would have heard about it.

Me: I am so sorry sir, but I don’t know about timbaktu.

Ok, bhaumik ….we are done….don’t forget to collect your belongings.

Initially waitlisted at 13 in general, finally converted….

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]

X %,Board: 93% (2007) XII%, Board: 93.2% (2009) Undergrad Stream : B. Tech. (Civil Engg.), IIT Delhi – Final Year (%age: 93.51) Work-Ex: Nil.

CAT : Quant: 99.67 Verbal: 99.92 Aggregate: 99.97 (category if applicable)

General Engg. Male.

Extra curriculars: Quizzing Club Hostel Rep, School Magazine Editor, Volunteering with National Association for Blind Any other noteworthy points in your form/CV/profile: Honda YES Award, Opjems Scholarship, NTSE Scholar, Batch Topper WAT & PI Experience.

Venue: 9th Marc, Gurgaon, Country Suites & Inn.

Essay Topic and brief snapshot of how you went about it:

Organic food, good for individuals, bad for society.

Spoke about what is organic food, not bad in long run, mentioned about ailments of Punjab farmers, cancer train due to pesticides etc. Drastic shift affects our chemical industry, a combination of both needed, small scale industries can get help by going in for organic farming etc.

Rate your preparation(0-5): 2/5 Rate your performance(0-5): 2.5/5.

PI: Questions and snapshot of answers:

Two profs 1Male: M, one lady prof. : (L), I: me.

M: Where are u placed?

I: Credit Suisse, sir.

M: Going from civil to uncivil, you are doing a disservice.

M: (Before I could respond)What will u be doing?

I: Analyst in Prime Services Division.

M: What will be your role?

I: Blabbered something about providing data and all to superiors..numberc-crunching.

M (not convinced): U are not sure abt it.

I: Yes sir, teams to be decided only after training.

M: History of Credit Suisse?

I: Told year, founder, purpose.

M: What is Investment Banking?

I: Sir, as far as I know, we offer financial advisory services, assisting clients in their asset management, taking money from them and investing in markets and charging a service fee.. M: Who all are competitors of Credit Suisse?

I: DB, JPM Chase, Goldmann Sachs.

M: Would you call GS an ethical firm?

I: No, sir, an unethical one.

M: What is unethical?

I: (Flabbergasted) Sir, when try to take undue advantage of others.

M: Demystify undue, ok, do you know what GS did?

I: Told them about ‘Too Big to Fail’ and all,

M: Are you sure that was GS?

I: No sorry, sir, it was Lehmann Brothers, I am very sorry sir, I don’t know what GS did, I know that its CEO, Henry Truman became the Secretary of US Treasury.

M: Ok, since you are Department Topper , didn’t you have job offer from core sector.

I: No sir, in IIT, not many Civil Engineering companies come on Day 1. Schlumberger was the only core company and they don’t shortlist DR1 & 2 as a matter of policy. They feel that we will go for Masters or Ph. D.

L: Why are you not going?

I: Normal Gyaan and fundae.

M: You should have done some projects?

I: Yes sir, I am currently working on a project on Evironmental Impact Assessment on the Golden Temple.

M: It is Gold, it doesn’t react.

I: Amritsar is a crowded city, blah blah. Sir, it is a very thin layer of gold foil pressed on Copper. Told about sizeable conc. Of NO2 & SO2 being present, aqua regia dissolving it and then it is copper that is exposed and it gets corroded. Another hypothesis we are exploring is the presence of hydrocarbons from vehicle emissions like limonine and styrene which in the presence of NO2 might form ozone and then corrode the gold, since gold is especially reactive to ozone.

M: Anyother Project?

I: Yes sir, Env. Effects of replacing Portland Cements with Fly Ash. I was working in the opp. Direction, told him about the correction needed to be done for claims of Carbon credits by industries for doing so. Explained him the funda.

M: But fly ash has always been used?

I: Told him about it being zero emission and cement being ‘ungreen’.

M: What is a carbon Credit?

M: Do you think its trading has picked up?

I: No, Kyoto Protocol failure.

M: Explain the working, how are they allocated?

I: Explained, CDM etc.

M: Where does the money come from?

I: From the companies who buy it.

M: Just don’t emit then.

I: Sir, they do an analysis, what is cheaper, the green technologies are a bit expensive.

M: What did romans use for building?, Binder right, what did it have?

I: I said clay and was thinking.

M: Do you remember saying pozzolana, volcanoes might be of use?

I: Sir pozzolana materials have silica, explained him the cement chemistry and told that CaO will also be needed, i am thinking how to get the Ca(OH)2…..clay has silica like volcanic ash.

both of us couldnt figure out where will Calcium come form.

L: What do you read ?

I: Recently PG Wodehouse and the last novel I read was ‘The Great Indian Novel By Shashi Tharoor’

L: A bit late to PG Wodehouse. These are just three books, what else.

I: India After Gandhi by Ramchandra Guha, Fountainhead.

L: You don’t read any genre.

I: Ma’am I did till my sixth sem but I have been a bi tied up since then. Only reading that I could finish up early. Earlier I read Indian History.

L: Fiction or factual?

I: Ma’am factual. But The Great Indian Novel was fiction, told her a bit about it.

L: (Smiled), so you enjoyed it.

L; How did you get into quizzing as a hobby.

I: Told her the reasons, not very specific quizzing just random trivia.

L: So u are a general quizzer.

I: Yes ma’am, so I then became the Quizzing Rep of my hostel, a tem of reps organizing quizzes in the fest.

M in the meantime asks me a bit about a scholarship.

L: So u went into organizing quizzes now.

M: How abt a civil Engg. Quiz.

I: I will try sir.

M; Longest Railway tunnel in India.

I: Jawahar Tunnel?

M: I asked for a railway tunnel. I: (No idea is it not a rail tunnel sir, I think its one?

M: Highest railway station?

I: Don’t know sir.

M: Highest Planned railway bridge.

I: Planned over Chenab.

M: Height & comprimento.

M: Asks the height of a couple of passes.

M: height of Mt. Everest.

I: 8500m (don’t noe why I said that when I exactly noe what it is)

I: Smiled Yes sir.

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]

IIM Ahmedabad GD PI.

I: Clueless. Paused for 10 seconds. Then said maybe it’s one of the islands near Australia. (P1 smiles and nods). I tell him that if we were to go by sea, we could go via bay of bengal via Singapore.

P1: If a tree was allowed to decide for itself the kind of leaves that it can have, what kind of leaves will it choose?

Some discussion on the type of leaves and how they vary with temperature, water availability, leave shedding for plant excretion etc.

A piece of advice – Go beyond all the coaching class stuff. B school interviews can be totally about elephants, biscuits and Rahul Gandhi. I was expecting a lot of acads as I am one of the few who got through with less than 80% in graduation. But the professors of A showed why its best in the business!

B-Tech, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute (Gandhinagar), Information and Communication Technology, 80.7.

Curricular, Co-curricular, Extra curricular.

Worked with and NGO for a period of around 7 weeks.

Mentor to 1st year students during my final college semester.

Some of my sketches have been displayed at a few art exhibitions.

Topic: Of all the inventions and discoveries in the world, which one would you have liked to do/ make and why?

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Wrote very abstract, couldn’t be specific, mismanaged time, concluded in 7.5 minutes itself.

Panel Members Intro: Male Prof (MP), Lady Prof (LP) – both comfortingMP: You work in Infosys, which place, phase etc. What is that you do?

MP: What is unique about the website you are making?

Me: Told about social commerce. That offers and products can be automatically customized based on past searches, browsing history and order etc.

Me: told that anyways data is stored for registered users, so…

FP: But sometimes it happens for unregistered user too… then?

Me: Gave some IT gyan and it is incorrect for unregistered users if IP is tracked etc…

MP: what do you think are the prob. with Infosys today (or something of that sort)

me: told reasonable answer based on 1? Overexposure to US and Europe, 2. Late in expansion outside through M&As; and 3. Focus on high margin projects. Also said that it has started necessary steps in the areas and working towards them.

MP: So how is Infosys trying to expand (told trying to move to consulting). Asked if there is any product services initiatives too.

Me: Explained about associated departments and how it is trying to foray into other areas.

FP: which is the biggest players in consulting whom Infosys stand against, and what can Infosys try to expand there?

Me: Names Accenture as the biggest, told something about using its brand image, maybe small contracts with its biggest players (whose consulting partner isn’t Infosys) and gain in reputation slowlyMP: Have you made your adhaar card?

Me: No, not yet sir, my father applied for it in my home town.

MP: How do you ensure that no 2 cards are assigned to same user… ?

MP: How would they know whom to issue to and validate against, how would list be generated?

Me: I am not too sure about the system, but maybe using electoral rolls, ration cards etc.

FP: But there are people who have no identification and this is the only source of id for them?

Me: In that case, there should be certain provisions for registering that user with extensive background searches.. etc.

FP: Sm1 can register here, then in his hometown also with other name and fake ID, den?

Me: Tried to say from IT perspective againMP: Seeing French certificate, do you know French, can you speak and write?

Me: yes sir, at least what was taught in the 1st levelFP: You did your engineering? From Gandhinagar, where all did you go around the place.

Me: told the places in Gujarat and Rajasthan where we went.

MP: Again the UID, do you read detective books/ novels.

MP: Do you read at all?

FP: what are your hobbies (seeing the form), oh he reads novels.

Me: Mam, primarily fiction.

FP: Have you looked at the meaning of a novel in a dictionary, are there any other kinds of novels?

Me: Mam, fiction, inspirational, self help.

FP: Oh, So, you mean all books are novels.

Me: Books is a superset, it also includes text books, cut short.

FP: So, you mean all non text books are novels.

Me: Was to say something, cut short.

FP: What all have you read.

Me: Named quite a few novels including P. G.Wodehouse and Da Vinci code.

FP: Full form of PGWodehouse, where is he from, his plot is based in which place?

FP: where is the plot of Da Vinci code based?

Me: I suppose Rome (I knew it wasn’t, but why did i say it, Paris grrr… )

FP: ok, so which sect of Christianity is talked about in it (told), what other types of sects in Christianity are there?

Me: told, i don’t know mam.

FP: so, the church in Rome is for which sect (told Catholics), who’s the head (told Pope)

MP: again on the UID question, i will give you a hint – think unique.

Me: Sir, maybe DNA (what an idiot)

MP: parents can have the same DNA.

Me: Oh yes sir, sorry, that cannot be used.

MP, LP: ok, thank you, take a toffee on your way out.

(How could not i think of finger prints and retina scans even after watching so many CID episodes, English movies etc. … I knew that they are used, but couldn’t think of there, how stupid am i)

Rate your preparation(0-5): 4.

Rate your performance(0-5): 2.

Any other relevant details: Go as yourself, you cannot specifically say what to expect and react.

Undergrad Stream:BTech(ICT),DAIICT,8.09Work-Ex:20 months, Business Intelligence CAT: Quant :90.80.

GENExtracurricular : Lawn Tennis(district),swimming(City) all sports relatedInterview & EssayVenue: Dadar Catering college Essay :

Topic: How social are social networks?

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: decent, fluent, concluded.

Time given : 1 min to think 10 min to write.

Rate your preparation(0-5): 0.

Panel Members Intro: p1: techiie guy, p2: eco prof.

Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.

Rate your performance(0-5): 3.5 p2: What is the meaning of your name?

p1: So from kota to gandhinagar?

p1: So what are you doing now?

p1: what is on demand analytics?

p1: what are the forms of BI?

p1: Why can’t people directly look it up from database?

p1: What is intelligent about converting excel to visualization?

p1: Why do managers need it, they are duds to not look at database?

me: computer netwroks, algo, data structures said some HM courses also.

p1: what is the full form of CDXXX(something he said)

p1: what is the difference between router, gateway and repeater.

p1: are u guessing or u sure?

p1: so u r saying router is part of internet, gateway is part of typically LAN and repeater is between router and gateway.

me: sir repetor can be between any two routers over the network to amplify the signals.

p1: so why can’t we have internet by connecting all the LANs of the world by laying wire ?

p1: so what do you think is telephone also internet? All the telephones are connected via a network.

p1: No No even normal phones …can we say telephone are also internet.

me: it seems like yea never thought about it. :S.

p1: ok ..let’s take a ball, no biscuit..ok let’s take a coin and I toss it what is the probability that it lands 90 degree ?

me: sir 0 on a normal surface.

p1: no surface is such it can land 90.

me: then we will have to find regions where it can land 90 count them.

me: sir can i take a moment.

me: sir A should kill C.

p1: ok now what would be the best strategy for B if A misses?

me: sir he should also try and kill C.

me: kill B he has the highest problem of killing him.

p1: ok try this at home and see what comes up.

p2: what is this band Aerosmith? Which genre?

p2: tell me as if u r telling your parents. we don’t know difference between jazz, blues and hard rock.

p2: can we use the same instrument to have all this music?

p2: ok, so your interest in politics?

me: yes sir, like to follow countries affairs blah.

p2: Suppose you are the central minister and you have to go to public and say that what Anna Hazare is doing is not right. What be your principal stand.

p2: why can’t civil society ask people to vote for someone?

me: i don’t think it is there job…and blah blah.

p1: but in Gujarat they are saying to not vote for Modi?

me: i don’t think it is there job they can bring out the fact. You can say don’t vote for someone who is uncivil but can’t pinpoint.

p1,p2: thanks it was pleasure talking to you , take a toffee.

me: thank u sir, pleasure meeting you. Duration: 30 mins NOTE: Could not recall all questions, and what i have written is not the exact question they asked but the gist of it..some question also asked on what is mgmt.? what is efficiency and effective? but can’t remember there order now…It was a long interview. I think i never panicked…was confident had smiles…Chilled out panel..smiling..seemed positive to me..let’s hope for the best. VERDICT: Awaited.

IIM Ahmedabad GD PI PROFILE:Acads.

X %,Board, year Maharashtra State board: 90.13.

XII%, Board, year Maharashtra State board 90.33.

Undergrad Stream BTech NIT Calicut (ECE) 90.3Work-Ex:

Sectors, Company – Number of months NTPC -(Power, Control and Instrumentation) – 18 months CAT :Quant 99.2.

(general category)Extra curriculars : NILAny other special thing about u: Reading, Playing keyboardInterview & EssayVenue: Bangalore.

Topic: “The most inspirational person you have ever met”

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Wrote about my dad, had content, and put it forth in 3 paras with a proper end.

Time given : 1 min(rough), 10 min(write)

Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.

Rate your performance(0-5): 3PI:

Panel Members Intro: 2 gentlemen(P1: person with an engineering background, P2: current affairs guy (miscellaneous expertise)

P2: No achievements to speak of?

Me: No sir, haven’t won medals or published journals/papers..

P1: What do you do at your company?

P1: (Smiling)Why the transition from ECE to Power?

Me: Said something on the lines of power being a control s/m and me liking that subject.

P1: But your work isn’t related to control s/m right?

Me: no, but its a tiny part of the entire s/m(tongue-in-cheek)

(P1: seemed convinced)

P1: Ok, Im not an engineer(he is bluffing is revealed later..), tell me in layman terms , what’s your favourite subject and what you like about it..

Me: (Said Solid State devices, and went on the lines of amplification, noise immunity etc..)

P1: That’s fine, but compare the noise avoidance capability with modulation..and explain it practically(like in this room)..

Me: (Explained..went on a tangent,.said transistor operation is like a horse with blinkers.. freq modulation is like shouting over the noise in a room.. )

P1: (Asked a few more questions.. led to him asking me to draw a high pass filter)

Me: (Drew, and explained the equations and circuit on prompting.. 2 min)

P1: Not interested, explain practically..

Me: (Again, explained.. 2-3 min spent pondering over the phase lag between R and C)

P1: (seemingly convinced, P1 hands over that baton to P2)

P2: How many plants does NTPC have?

P2: How many of these under construction? Name all of them.

Me: Said most of them.

P2: Does India import/export power?

Me: Doesn’t export, not sure about importing.

P2: It does , from Bhutan.. Tell me why it is so?

Me: Probably because it has a good source of fuel.

Me: Don’t know for sure, coal?

P2: Ok, which mode of production is the cheapest?

P2: Isn’t it hydro? What are the per unit costs?

Me: Thermal : Rs 3-4/unit. don’t know about hydel.(turns out it is a rupee-odd cheaper)

Me: (his love for hydro is driving me crazy)

P2: Ok, since you have work-ex, tell me what you will do if you are appointed to improve the healthcare situation in India?

Me: Said something on the lines of collecting data, analysing it, forming a plan with the help of an expert panel..

P2 : (Catches me.. )Who will you appoint?

Me: well-qualified and experienced ones..

P2: No one else?(P1, P2 smiling)

Me : innocently..) ministers of health from central and state..

P1: But they are corrupt..

Me: That’s unavoidable..

P2: No one else?(kept pushing me…)

Me; (took the bait).. bureaucrats with healthcare expertise.

Me: (exhausted)No, too many cooks spoil the broth.

P2: Whom would appoint as the head of a power PSU? Is engineering a must?

Me: It is preferable, but I wouldn’t make it a pre-requisite.

P1: I resent that , being an engineer(me catching his bluff. Too late though)

Me: (Damn..)Still, I feel it’s better to get insights from other sector professionals.

P1, P2 : We’re done. Have a melody.

Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.

Rate your performance(0-5): 2.5.

Any other relevant detail. 15-20 min. It wasn’t a stress interview, but they are on the look-out for bluffing(eg: P1).

Positives: Kept my cool, smiling throughout, acad question dealt with, WAT went reasonably well.

Negatives: Nil on achievements, Could have handled the healthcare, work-ex and final questions better. VERDICT Converted( Joined A)

X %,Board, year – 91.2 (C. B.S. E)-04.

XII%, Board, year – 92.2 (C. B.S. E) -06.

B. Tech Electronics and Communication (IIT), 86.9Work-Ex:

iRunway (technology consulting to law firms in patent litigations) – 15 months (present)

Infosys – 4 months CAT :Quant – 99.22.

(category if applicable) – GenExtra curriculars : Organising events (Technical events), Roller Skating(Hockey) at District Level, Captain of winning team (cricket tournament) at college, etc.

Co-Curricular – Quite decentAny other special thing about u: was chosen to meet A. P.J. Abdul Kalam in 2003 (when he was the president)Interview & EssayVenue: Bangalore Essay : The most inspirational person you have ever met.

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Ofcourse, Abdul Kalam ! wrote his quotes when he met me, how I am inspired from him, what qualities he has which have acted like a beacon for me till date, Wrote a crisp one, sat idle for the last two minutes, then suddenly started scribbling some more and mid-way the guy called it off and I handed over the paper ! Most of my friends wrote “Dad” , something different here from my side I guess! Time given : 1(thinking), 10(writing)

Rate your preparation(0-5):3.

Rate your performance(0-5):3.5PI: Two guys.

Panel Members Intro: Two gentlemen (in 50s), P1 and P2!I was the first guy to be interviewed !

Questions:P1: So, can you just tell what your company does ?

Me : Told (also gave an example in layman’s terms)

P1 : What’s the turnover of your company ?

P1 : Who are the main competitors in India considering it’s a very niche domain ?

P1 : What is their turnover compared to yours ?

Me: Told and also explained how different they are in structure like different verticals.*I speak a lot* . Told how our company set its base in U. S and expanded geographically from there (provided some stats on patent litigation activity in U. S) and justified the strategy.

P2 : Why did you leave Infosys ?

Me: Told and convinced them that I wasn’t learning anything there with examples) *I speak a lot* … also told them the big initiative I took there on which the current version of a product by Infosys is based.

P2 : So, you have met Abdul Kalam ?

Me : Told them the date !

P2 : So, what really inspired you ?

Me : Told about creativity, innovation and told them the questions I asked him and the answers I got ! Explained why it inspired me ! told them he emphasized on applying what you learn, just learning is of no use ! Told him how IITs spend 4 lakh on a student per year ! Told them the instances (my projects) where I came up with ideas from real life incidents, applied what I had learnt to make that thing (Gave an example of Manmohan Singh’s speech in our IIT, where he fumbled while reading from an e-reader and told how I thought of the problem and implemented a Speech Highlight Reader)

P2 : The media says “he isn’t a great guy, he is a ***** (don’t remember what he said, some bad word)”, So what critical evidence do you have to support your claim?

Me: Told them that my views about him are based on the lecture he gave and the personal meeting I had with him. how he explained how he did physics even though he didn’t have any interest in it but which helped him later on (Again Applying what you have learnt). Media can always bring out negatives just as they did about Steve Jobs after his death even though he built the company which was on the brink of a collapse.

P1: So you know Maths ?

Me: I guess, I’m good at it.

P1 : What is a Taylor’s series ?

Me: Wrote the expression and explained its significance.

P1 : So you know statistics ? I don’t think so, you would ve done (interrupted by me)

Me : haven’t done much in it, but I implemented Hidden Markov Models in Speech Recognition which are stochastic models. I can try.

P1: Can you tell me, what is a median, a mode and a mean ?

Me : Wrote and explained with a real life example (placement statistics if shown to the public).

P1 : So what will the college use while giving an honest review of the placement statistics ?

Me : The choice will be between the mode and median (explained why I ruled out Mean) and it will still depend upon the statistics in hand and accordingly we can decide if it will be a mode or a median ! (Seemed convinced)

P1: What is that distribution where median mode and mean are equal?

Me: Told and explained with graph (normal, bell shaped,68%,variance, etc.)

P2 : You told IITs spent what (I said “4 lakh per year”) yea, so how do you make sure you pay them back. Isn’t it saddening to know that people are opting for MBAs ?

Me : Told them how I have applied what I’ve learnt, though I didn’t make a product but have taken initiatives (projects) and if the juniors batch implement what I did and make a product out of it, my work’s done ! Though, even I am saddened about the situation that people really don’t use the learnings in a productive way ! (seemed convinced)

P1: So u have an international experience, nice, what challenges did you face and tell me what was the biggest problem ?

Me : Told and convinced them (i guess) using examples from my project I led in U. S while working with the lawyers.

P2: What are your general interests ?

Me: Sir, I love playing and watching football and I am a Chelsea fan.

P2: Why Chelsea, everyone says Manchester United ?

Me: Told them how most of the fans in India are glory-hunting fans (din’t use this word but in a way explained it, no offense to the REAL united fans )…. and told them about the history of Chelsea, owner took over, started from scratch, built a team (named the owner and the coach), I am a fan of great defence, told them about the longest unbeaten home record.

P2: What is their position right now ?

Me: 5th in the league Sir !

P2: Do you think they can win the title ?

Me: No Sir, going through a bad phase right now and 4th spot is the target for Champions League Qualification ! we also lost a match in CL 3 days back (*I speak a lot* )

P1: Can you tell how will you go about managing a team, rather, assembling a team, how will you chose players, if you have all the players (best, average, poor) ?

Me: Explained with a football formation on the paper how having all the best players on the field can create problems and how selecting players who can play to each other’s strengths can be a bigger force (Gave them the example of Tottenham Hotspurs).

P2: You told about innovating and creativity, What will you do if the other guy/guys in the team resist your idea ?

Me: Sir, I have faced this issue while doing my B. Tech Project where I had an idea and my partner wasn’t convinced about it since there were no algorithms in place for what we wanted to do ! we researched for two weeks, targeted every block of the whole process, what algorithms are already there or what we need to devise on our own, it bore fruits and we came out with a successful project !

P2: it was nice meeting you.

Me: Actually the essay which we had to write, I used the BOP approach to solve poverty problems and I have researched a lot on it and hence I wanted to gather your views on it and its feasibility. (*I speak a lot*)

P1: *Smiling* We will not answer that. We are here to ask questions.

Me: Not a worry Sir, Thanks a lot! Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.5.

Rate your performance(0-5): 3.5.

Positives – Interview/WAT mostly played to my strengths.

Negatives – Should have spoken less.

X : 94.56, 2006, Karnataka State Board.

XII: 91.67, 2008, Karnataka PU Board.

Undergrad Stream: BE Electronics and Communications, PESIT, CGPA=9.08Work-Ex:0 CAT:Quant: 99.73.

(category if applicable) GENERALExtracurricular : Chief editor of college magazine, international paper, student assistantshipsAny other special thing about u: Both parents doctors (Half my interview was about this)Interview & EssayVenue: Monarch Luxor, Bangalore.

Essay : The most inspirational person I have ever metBrief Snapshot of the attempt: Wrote about my grandmother, who was a cancer survivor. 3 paragraphs with good content. There was enough time to write.

Time given : 10 minutes.

Rate your preparation(0-5):3.

Rate your performance(0-5):3PI:

Panel Members Intro: No idea what their names are. Two male profs P1 was the happy one who kept smiling throughout, p2 was more serious.

(After pleasantries were exchanged)

P1: So, tell me about yourself in short.

M: Same by hearted thing about where I am, hobbies and why MBA. In why MBA, i mentioned about my father work and how I would like to carry it forward.

P2: So, if that was what you wanted to do, why didn’t you take up medicine.

M: The centre that my father built was only during my second year. When I was in 12th, although I had taken up Biology as a subject, I was never good at it. My aptitude was in Maths and Physics.

P1: So, what is your favourite subject in Maths?

M: Differentiation……. and algebra.

P1: (Going through my certificates) Linear Algebra (It was a subject in 3rd Seem)

M: Not so much sir.

P1: Ok, so this centre that your father is involved in, how would you improve it?

M: 1. I would provide more facilities for the patients parents to stay (It’s a paediatric care hospital), provide a play area and a centre for children to rehabilitate after they have been cured.

P1: Ok, so tell me what according to you are the main challenges faced by doctors according to your experience?

M: Time management, because they get calls in the middle of the night and no chances can be taken. Also, for a paediatrician especially, since children cannot voice their symptoms unlike adults can, it becomes very difficult to diagnose the disease. For eg: Adults would be able to tell the doctor about a leg or stomach pain, whereas babies cannot. So it becomes all the more difficult.

P1: Ok, so how would you use computer science to make their life easier?

M: (Comp. Sci. ) Sir, I am an Electronics and Communications engg.

P1(Smiling): Oh, ok.. So how would you use ECE to make their life easier?

M: Hospitals used various equipment to track the vital statistics of patients, these could be sent regularly to the doctor’s phone so that it becomes easier to check on the patient.

P2: Ok, that would be very easy to do right? O quê mais?

M: Yes sir. Another thing would be, the labs which conduct tests are generally not in the same hospital. SO, there could be a way to directly send results to the doctors phones. I think this is already being implemented. I am not so sure.

P1: Ok, What about a webcam? Can that be used?

M: Yes sir. That also can be used.

P1: So, if you had to build a centre for paediatricians, what are the 3 things you would provide? (why. )

M: I would provide them with whatever equipment they need. ICU’s, PICU, NICU..

P1(Cutting me short): Ok, so infrastructure. O quê mais?

M: Other incentives such as other facilities such as schools for their children. So that they can live with their families and do not have to worry about being in different locations.

P1: ok, so residential facilities. O quê mais?

Me: Racking my brains for a 3rd point) Said something about super specialization in pediatrics-pediatric surgery, orthopaedics etc. (not a very convincing answer)

P1: What about the night calls? How would you tackle that?

M: Well the doctors could be on rotations. In certain places, the PG’s take up night shifts and whenever there is an emergency, the doctor is called>

P1: So, you would make the life of a doctor easier at the cost of someone’s life?

M: No sir! PG’s are doctors. But they are beginners. Also, other doctors can gauge if the patient is doing well. If the patient is not stable and they feel that it could lead to an emergency, they stay back. Only if the patient is stable do they go home.

(P1 seems convinced. Phew!)

P2: (finally talking about something other than health care) Ok, So you have written that Poverty is the biggest challenge faced by India. Why do you think the schemes implemented by the government are not successful?

P2: In what way corruption?

M: Spoke about scams, MGNREGA one.

P2: How do you know about this? The money is directly put into their accounts. So, where can the money go?

M: Told something about media and bank accounts (Not very convincing)

P2: Ok, that’s ok. O quê mais?

M: Lack of awareness. The people for whom these schemes are made are not aware of them. The educated class is, but not those in rural areas.

P2: ok. O quê mais?

M: (Why should everything be 3 reasons. ) The population sir. The number of people for whom these schemes are to be implemented are so many that it becomes very difficult.

P1: So, you said you like differentiation and integration(NO! I did not) right? Can you name one function which is a derivative of itself?

P1: ok. Draw the graph for xx|

M: I drew it. took about 5 seconds.

P1: So, is |x differentiable at 0?

M: Sir the RHL and LHL don’t match.

P1: Limit or derivative?

M: (Smiling) Sorry sir, derivative.

P1: What is the LHD?

P1: What about the graph you drew? Is it differentiable at 0? Work it out.

M: Worked out. Yes sir, it is. It is 0.

P1: Ok. Can you define differentiation for me?

M: Wrote the formula (thank god for 12th math!)

P1: Ok, so why was differentiation invented? Do you know who invented it?

P1: (laughing pretty much) no no.. Not gravity.

P2: So, you were the chief editor of your college magazine. What did you have to do?

M: Spoke in detail about recruitment, teams, coordination, etc.

P1: So, you are from Mangalore right? Recently there was an air crash there. Can you tell is why it happened?

M: Spoke about table top runway. Plane couldn’t land in time so crashed into the valley.

P1: Which airlines was it?

M: Air India sir.

P1: Are you sure? Was it not another subsidy of it?

M: Was it. ) I think it was Air India only sir.

P1: Ok. So, how would you use ECE to overcome situations like this?

M: Application question again ) Spoke about use of sensor in plane to detect distance right runway. In case the distance is too ahead, raise an alarm to warn the pilot or otherwise, to prevent wrong judgement, put the plane on autopilot so that it cannot be landed (Kind of flawed. But they bought it I think)

P1: Ok. So what is this black box?

M: It’s orange in colour sir It records conversations in the cockpit, the height of the plane, speed and other details.

P1: So when this crash happened, there was this term ‘go around’ that was used a lot. Do you know about it?

M: Sir, I can make a guess about it and went on it explain.

P1: That’s a very good guess.

P1: so, do you know about American Presidents?

M: (Where in the WORLD did this come from. ) Yes sir. Few of them and not in any order (Thinking of ‘3’ names )

P1: Who was the first one?

M: George Washington.

P1: Do you know Benjamin Franklin?

M: Yes sir. He was famous for his experiment with lightening and electricity.

P1: What else to do with US history?

M: No sir, sorry (Should have told about currency) (FYI, he was involved in Declaration of Independence)

P1: Ok. So this is a trick question. Which American presidents are not buried in America?

M: (What an idiot I am to not get this one!!) Thought for a few seconds..

P1: What is the criteria to be buried in the US?

M: They die in the US?

P1: (smiling broadly) So, anyone?

P2: Think again, do they have to die?

M: (Late brainwave!) (Smiling as realization strikes late ) Oh, the ones who are alive sir – Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Bush.

Both of them smiling and it seems they are thinking “haha, fell right into the trap!”

P1: So, which are the states which surround Karnataka?

M: Kerala, TN, AP and maharashtra.

P2: Why does Karnataka and TN keep fighting?

M: Spoke about Kaveri dam issue.

P1: So, who was the prime minister of India from Karnataka?

M: Told Narsimha Rao like an idiot!

P1 and P2 (both smiling) : no no..

P2: I’ll give you a clue. His son was the CM.

M: (late brainwave!) Sir, Deve Gowda.

P1. Ok, that’s all. You may go now. Take your certificates. Rate your preparation(0-5):3.

Rate your performance(0-5):3.

MISC: They kept smiling ad nodding throughout. Especially P1 seemed amused most of the times.

Any other relevant detail. VERDICT: Awaited.

X %,Board, year-87.4,CBSE,2005.

XII%, Board, year-87.2,CBSE,2007.

Undergrad Stream(B. Tech), Specialization(ECE), Cgpa-8.09, , Institute-VIT, VelloreWork-Ex:NILCAT :Quant:99.10.

(category if applicable)NC-OBC.

Extra curriculars : NIL.

Any other special thing about u:NaahInterview & EssayEssay Topic overty and economic inequality in India.

Brief Snapshot of the attempt. Told the unequal distribution of wealth. Talked of following socialism method in a way. Also talked about Occupy Wall Street movement.

Time given :1+10mins.

Rate your preparation(0-5):0.

Rate your performance(0-5):3.5PI:

Panel Members Intro 1(30+) and P2(55+)

P1:By the time I go through your document, tell me about yourself.

Me:Told. Gave special hints about history and constitution of India.

P1:So from patna, tell how Nitish kumar is performing.

Me: discussed the pros and cons. Discussion went on for 3-4 mins.

P2 who was busy going through the Curtis chips in.

P2:In essay u have written about socialism as the solution. What exactly is socialism.

Me-Told about the constitution and how it was added in preamble by 42nd amendment in 1975.Some discussion went on to nationalisation of banks of 1969.Dealt well.

P2-U have also written about occupy wall street movement. What exactly is that.

Me-Told how people have opposed the government policies in New york which favoured richer people. Some discussion on that about its implication in Dalal Street.

P2-you have mentioned in hobby that u are an avid reader and have read 80+ books(novels) in yr. engngg life. Tell us about 2 of them u have loved the most.

Me-Told about The gr8 Indian novel(Shashi Tharror) and India after Gandhi(Ramachandra guha).Explained in detail about both the books.

P1-So u r an ECE engineer. Let’s c how much u remember.

P1-some question about rectangular and circular antenna.

p2:some distribution curve.

I Told that i am strong in calculus.

P2:Gave me something to differentiate and asked about maxima and minima.

P1:Some question about 2G,3G and 2.5G.

P1:Tell me some recent advancement in communication these days.

Me-Fumbled a bit.

P2:Tell me a function(graph) where mean, median and mode are equal.

Me: dint know but showed a series hypothetically. Four no’s 1,2,2,3.

P1 signalled the interview is over. Said thank you and left.

Every1 was offered a toffee except me.

Went on for about 25-27 mins.

Rate your preparation(0-5):4.5.

Rate your performance(0-5):3.5Expected VERDICT: Not very sure. But was one of my better interviews.

Any feedback welcome..UPDATE:A straight convert.

X %,Board, year – 93 (AP Board) -05.

XII%, Board, year – 95.6 (AP Board) -07.

B. Tech (IIT), Topic: How should India grow in the next 10 years? Essay: Wrote so many points but all in a hurry…was dissatisfied with my effortPI.

P1 : Tell me about the project you did in Germany.

( went on ) (for like 5 minutes i explained the aim and approach etc.)

P1 : That is just normal work. What did you do which others could not do.

Me: Just managed to say something but he didn’t seem impressed.

P1: What else did you do there.

Me: I went there when football was going on. So watched in public screening…

P2 Cuts me short.

P2: Ok Ok tell me what is the meaning of the name “darmstadt” (that is where i was interning)

Me: Sir I don’t know.

P1: You can make a try.

Me: Sir Stadt means a city but i don’t know what darm is.

P1:What did you like in the place you studied.

Me: Sir rasgolla is famous there. I liked it..Though its actually from Odessa the rosgollas we get there are quite good (shouldn’t have spoken excessively )

P1:what? Rasgollas are from odisha?

Me: (i knew its from odisha but in the heat of the moment) Sir I have frineds from both odisha and bengal who argue over it, but i am sure i saw a TV programme on Rosgolla where it was said they are actually from Odisha.

P1: What? DId you watch a odisha channel?

Me: No sir, I was watching it on some English national channel.

(its actually from odisha just checked out. Don’t know what the fuss was all about)

P1: Ok Ok let your friends argue over it..let’s move on….(yaar did he genuinely not know rosgollas are not from odisha?? or he thinks they are from bengal)P1: Now you are working here in bangalore..what do you do?

P1: tell me more in detail.

Me: said a few things..(he seemed convinced with this)

P1: Ok what about the gate in your college? When was it built?

Me: I don’t know sir (looked like a fool there myself )

P2: Ok You worked as an editor for your magazine what were the challenges you faced.

Don’t know what to make of their laughing at me throughout that.

P1: Ok you wrote many things in essay what do you think we should do in the next 10 years which is important.

Me: Sir actually all of them are possible, we cannot put them on the backburner just because they might be more expensive. When We waste a lot of money on CWG Games or 2g Spectrum if we can avoid such scams from happening again, i don’t see a point why we cannot manage all those that i pointed out.

P2: You wrote of RTE. O que é isso?

Me: It is about compulsory education for 6-14 year olds. this will help us improve literacy levels.

P2: Are you sure it’s for 6-14 year olds or its based on primary classes?

Me: yes sir its age.

P2: Are you sure?

P2:Will we be the only country that will do this as in making it a fundamental right?

Me: Yes sir (what an id**t i was. It’s not..)

P2: Ok you watch football. Tell me who is the only German player to have won world cup as both coach and player.

Me: Took some time…said Franz Beckenbauer (its right )

P2: Who is the present manager of Manchester united.

Take a toffeePreparation level :4.

XII%, Board, year : 88.4, icse.

Undergrad Stream :mechanical engg.

Institute. : IIT guwahatiWork-Ex:Sectors, Company – : HAL.

Number of months :31CAT :Quant :99.95.

Aggregate :99.99Extra curriculars : State level gold (sports)Interview & EssayVenue: bangalore.

Topic: ” Poor condition of health care in India”

Brief Snapshot of the attempt:

Time given : 1 min to think, 10 mins to write.

Rate your preparation(0-5):

Rate your performance(0-5):PI:

duration: 25 minutes.

Panel Members Intro: 2 young profs.

1 of the profs took the certis, the other took me.

2) Why management?…. how does it help in your organisation?….. example of how the lack of managerial skill affecting your organisation ?

3) Revenue of the company? (HAL)….why does it take money in advance from IAF ?

4) What is public-private partnership…..give an example and explain.

One of the Profs was still busy looking at the certis…. suddenly asks…where do u work……….the other prof answered him before I could and then : 5) Questions on probability :

i) 2 bullets in a revolver, 1 shot, u don’t get killed …. would you want the second shot to be taken immediately…or after once again revolving the (goli bharne wala)ii) U wait at a bus station for 10 mins, randomly from 3 p. m. to 4 p. m. …similarly your friend….what’s the probability u 2 meet?….( in the end had to make a probability curve for the same for the time range…) 6) What’s a the use of differentiation….how do u get to know if its a minima….. what about y=x^4 7) an aircraft used for a 8 hour flight daily….the other used for 4, 2 hr flights daily…which one depreciates faster? Thank you…

Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.

Rate your performance(0-5): 3.5.

MISC. : the pakodis and chatni kept besides the paper where i was writing the answers etc. was a big distraction.

Any other relevant detail. : Stay cool…. My interview hardly required any preparation except for having a good sleep and being fresh.

X %, Board, year: 87.67%, ICSE, 2004.

XII%, Board, year: 91.33%, Goa Board, 2006.

Undergrad Stream (BA, BE etc.), Specialization (CS, mech etc.), Percentage, Year, Institute. : ECE, MIT Manipal, 9.74/10 CGPA, PassoutWork-Ex:

Sectors, Company – Number of months: Cisco Systems, 18 monthsCAT :Quant: 99.63.

(category if applicable) GENExtracurricular: TT (College, district, school, taluka – Won all), Board member in a few college clubs, a few national level participations and wins, some more curricular awards…Any other special thing about u:Interview & EssayEssay: The most inspirational person you have met.

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Did decently well. Wrote on my mother (there was some tragedy early on in her life from which she recovered)

Rate your preparation (0-5):3.

Rate your performance (0-5):3.5-4PI:

Panel Members Intro: Two guys P1 (had a smile, and was doing the bulk of the questioning), P2 (Looked stern, but was chilled out)

P1: SO you work in Cisco. Have you heard about Telepresence?

P1: Can you tell me what it is?

M:Gyan… (mentioned in between that it is costly)

P1: how much does it cost?

M: Around a crore.

M: continued with my gyan..

P1: So if I make you the marketing manager for Telepresence, tell me how you will sell it? What challenges will you face?

M: Told quite well.. Convinced them.

P2: You are a marketing manager already!

M: (sheepish smile)

P1: So you have been to Greece for your internship. Compare Indian and Greek work ethics.

M: Did a decent job..

P1: Compare Bangalore and Athens as a city.

M: Again a decent job. Mentioned that there is an Island in Greece where all houses are supposed to be white in colour.

P2: (with a smile) which island is that?

M: Am not sure.. But I think its Santorini.

P1: Greece has been in the news recently.

M: Yes sir, European debt crisis.

P1: Can you please elaborate?

M: Told the entire thing.. They looked convinced. Then some discussion on the essay (India’s challenge) that I had written. Had to defend every word that I had mentioned. Did quite well. P1: What do you like in Maths?

M: To be frank, am not very much in touch with maths.

P1 and P2 smile.

P1: Still, what would you like?

M: calculus maybe.

He gave me a second order differential equation to solve. Started solving it. Made a small silly mistake in between. P1 pointed it out. I rectified it and started proceeding.. It was taking time since i was out of touch and had to think a lot. P1: okay, forget this.

Gave me a few graphs to draw and a definite integral problem. Solved all of them correctly. P1: We are done. Please take a toffee and leave.

M: Thank you sirs..I think it well pretty well. In one or two places, I didn’t know the answer. But overall, pretty decent.

Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.5-4.

Rate your performance(0-5): 3.5-4.

Any other relevant detail. Everyone was quizzed on maths. SOme were even quizzed on acads. But these were few.

X %,Board, year: 94.5% CBSE,2006.

XII%, Board, year: 94.8%, CBSE, 2008.

EEE, BITS Pilani, 8.92/10, Final YearWork-Ex: NilCAT :Quant: 98.89.

(category if applicable) GENExtra curriculars : VP, E-cell; A few organizing committees; 10+ National Level QuizzesAny other special thing about you: IEEE Paper in Beijing, NTSE, KVPY, GE Innovation Award, Top 0.1% Merit Certificate in 10th and 12th, Gold Medallist, DPS RK Puram, MITACS fellowship for summer research in Canada. Interview & EssayVenue: Monarch Luxur, Bangalore.

Date : 24/2/12Essay : The most inspirational person you have met.

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Started off well, could not finish my conclusion. (Will it come back to haunt me?)Time given : 1+10.

Rate your preparation(0-5):2.

Rate your performance(0-5):2PI:

Panel Members Intro: Two guys P1 (tech ), P2 (non tech/misc)Questions:

P1: Tell me about your Btech Project.

M: Told how i am on a semester long internship, told them about the project.

P1: What was your favorite subject and what did they teach you in it?

M: Communication Systems, gave fundae.

P1: Have you heard of Fiber Optics? Then went on the grill me on basics of optics, why optical fiber and why not wire etc etc.

M: Handled decently, they helped me out and gave hints through side questions when i got stuck.

P2: I have a problem here give me the optimized code.

M: was a simple yet tricky situation, managed to give it to them in 2 if statements, they accepted it but told me that it can be done even better.

P2: So you went to Canada for your internship. Draw Delhi and Edmonton on the paper and tell me all the countries you flew over.

M: Started blurting out all the countries, was cut mid way.

P1: Do airplanes take straight paths between source and destination?

M: No Sir, i draw the curved path on the paper and show them that they tend to go towards the poles first.

P1: Do you know the name of this concept.

P1: Its called the Great Circle effect. Do you know why it happens?

M: Took half a minute but it struck me: Sir, The earth bulges at the equator. P1 and P2 look at each other and conclude the interview.

Was told to take a toffee. While I was getting up, was told to check out the optimized solution to that problem. Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.

Rate your performance(0-5): Decent but cant quantify.

Any other relevant detail: Was a very pleasant interview. Very helpful interviewers. If you are a fresher, acads are a certainty.

X %,Board, year: 93.40%, CBSE, 2003.

XII%, Board, year: 81.6%, CBSE, 2005.

Undergrad – B. Tech (Metallurgy) from IT-BHU, CGPA – 8.33Work-Ex:

Manufacturing – 5 months, Consulting 13 monthsCAT :Quant: 99.36.

(category if applicable) GenExtra curriculars : Debates, case study, elocutionAny other special thing abt u:Interview & EssayVenue: Mumbai.

Date : 18/2/12Essay : What explains the runaway success of Harry Potter books.

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Haven’t read a single Harry Potter book nor seen a movie (truly ). A friend of mine did, so wrote what I remember from bakar sessions with him. Talked about magical world and escape from mundane everyday, coming of age storyline, teacher-student relationship, everyone can relate to, irrespective of adult or kids, etc etc.

Time given : 1+10.

Rate your preparation(0-5):

Rate your performance(0-5):PI:

A young proof (YP) and an aged proof (AP, found out from the A website who he is)

AP – You are the 5th person from XYZ company whom I am intrvwng. Why do so many people want to leave it?

Moi – blah blah blah blah.

AP – But XYZ is in consulting right? Still people want to leave it? Anyways, what I know about XYZ is blah blah. Tell me something I don’t know.

Moi – Sir, we are trying to expand the industries to which we provide our consulting services.

AP – But you are good in one industry. Expanding your portfolio to something else? Why would a company do that? Tell me something other than hedging risks.

Moi – Told about how skillsets are transferable.

AP – That is OK from the supply side. What about from the demand side? You may not get a good project right away? Would you like to work on a less glamorous project?

Moi – yes sir. I am still in the early stage of my career. I would love to work with multiple sectorial challenges.

AP – Hmmmmm. What about someone older?

Moi – It maybe an issue with someone who is comfortable only in one industry, but as you said sir, its experience, and it takes time to develop.

AP – Hmmm.. So 2 years since you passed out of college! Do you remember your metallurgy? (smiling)

Me – I hope I do sir.

AP – OK, which deposits are found in India?

AP – Why are most steel industries located in East India.

AP – Now tell me something about the steel making process.

Me – Gave synopsis, explained history, various technologies used.

YP (had been nodding to whatever I had said till now) – Can you explain continuous casting to me?

Me – Sure sir! blah blah.

YP – how many plants in India use it?

Me – Sir i can’t give you an exact count but almost all plants use it.

AP – Do you remember functions?

AP – gave a cubic equation and asked to find maxima.

Me – Idiot me did not realize it can’t have any. Found out dy/dx, then d2y/dx2 and found it to be 0.

AP – O que aconteceu?

Me – Sir, I am getting confused. Started drawing the graph.

AP – No, do without drawing. OK, change the cubic to square and solve.

Me - Solved and gave the answer.

AP – Como você fez isso?

AP – Now use the same logic for the cubic.

Me – Sir i am doing it but getting d2y/dx2 as 0.

AP – Now draw the graph.

AP – explain to me what you see.

Me – explained, function would keep on decreasing till – infinity and keep on increasing till + infinity.

AP – then what would be maxima/minima?

Me - Thank you sir!

AP – So what do you read?

Me – Varied over the year’s sir. Used to read Hindi poetry in school.

AP – Favourite poet?

Me – Ramdhari Singh Dinkar.

AP – Do you remember any poem of his?

Me – Shakti aur Kshama.

AP – Can you recite a couple of lines for me?

Me – Sure sir! I remember the entire poem. Recited first 2 stanzas.

AP – Hmm & # 8230; who else did you read?

Me – Sumitra Nandan Pant, Hairvansh Rai Bacchan.

AP – what of Harivansh rai other than madhushala?

Me – Sir i don’t remember the name but can explain the theme of the poem ..did.

AP – whose version of madhushala have you heard, amitabh bacchan or manna dey?

Me – neither sir, my hindi teacher’s version.

AP – laughing! ESTÁ BEM. What else do you read?

YP – You watch movies of Guy Ritchie and Tarantino too? Which is Guy Ritchie’s latest film?

Me – Sorry sir cant recollect right now (its sherlock holmes ), but tarantino’s last is inglorious bastards. Am waiting for the Oscar nominated films to be released in India sir.

AP – Good! You can have a candy.

Me – Thank you sir! Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.

Rate your performance(0-5): 3.

Both proofs smiled and nodded throughout! Hope it meant something! VERDICT: Awaited.

X %,Board, year: 89.83%, AP Board, 2002.

XII%, Board, year: 96.00%, AP Board, 2004.

Undergrad Stream(BA, BE etc), Specialization(CS, mech etc), Percentage, Year, Institute. : CSE, Osmania University, 86.13%, 2008 PassoutWork-Ex:

Sectors, Company – Number of months: 42 monthsCAT :Quant: 95.95.

(category if applicable) GENExtra curricular : Participated in few events but no awards/trophiesAny other special thing abt u: NahInterview & EssayVenue: Monarch Luxur, Bangalore.

Date : 27/2/12Essay : Preaching without Practice is an unhealthy habit.

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Not bad.

Time given : 1+10.

Rate your preparation(0-5):2.

Rate your performance(0-5):2-2.5PI:

Panel Members Intro: Two guys P1, P2 (both smiling all the time)

After pleasantries exchanged;

P1: So you are from XXX company, tell me about your work.

P2: Listening and going through my certificates..

Me: Mentioned all the projects I worked on and my responsibilities at work.

P1: How many branches does XXX have all over the world?

P1: Where is the head quarters?

P1: Have you ever been there?

Me: Answered that I haven’t yet.

P1: How does XXX distribute the work among different geographies?

Me: Said not sure of the strategy.

P1: Do you work with people across geographies? How do you interact with them?

P2: Explained how I interact with the customer support, maintenance teams and with multiple teams in India as well…Seems satisfied.

P1 & P2: So tell me how XXX sells….what are the modes of payment…Explain the circumstances and why you’d go for different payment modes.

Me: Not very confident…I was asked to guess…..took sometime and took a guess….Cross questioning …..answered but fumbled a bit.

P2: So you scored a cent percent in mathematics throughout your studies…you must be good at it….tell me what is an irrational number.

Me: Answered about improper fraction and then corrected later.

P1: Are you feeling stressed out?

P2: Take some water and chocolate… don’t have to be nervous.

Me: I said I’m feeling a bit nervous.

P1: Are you like this since childhood? Or is it acquired later?

P2: Looks like you have decent extra-curricular activities…How did you perform there if you were nervous.

Me: I said I was like that since childhood, even when participating in those events, but how I overcame them because of the interactions and work life @ office.

P1: So you mentioned you like singing. Explain more about it.

Me: Mentioned i mostly sang filmi songs and started learning Hindustani Classical Music from last July in a famous institute.

P1: Asked something about my guru (don’t remember the question. I think it was asked in hindi and i couldn’t understand)

Me: I said I don’t know.

P2: Why Hindustani, why not Carnatic? As you’re from Andhra you should have gone for Carnatic music classes.

Me: Explained (not very confident) about the difference in the way of teaching.

P1: Do you like hindustani style more?

P1: Who is your favorite singer?

P2: Isn’t he trained in Carnatic music?

Me: I said yes, but he is well-versed in all styles and recorded songs in most of the languages.

P1: Yeah, he can sing both classical and Pop.

P1,P2,Me: All of us laughed.

P1: okay, tell me more. What do you follow generally? Do you have friends?

P2: So what do you discuss with them?

Me: I said we discuss mostly about Telugu films (reviews and opinions). And also personal lives.

P1: Do they differ with your reviews?

Me: Sometimes, yes.

P2: What is the frequency?

P1: Do you subconsciously tell them what they want to hear because you know what they like?

Me: Maybe sometimes, but I usually say what I feel.

P2: Do you watch any movies other than Telugu?

P2: So tell me the differences between Hollywood and Telugu movies.

Me: Told few (Should have explained more )…mentioned that regional languages are mostly according to the local people tastes….asked if Hollywood is any different….I said yes they are according to the global audience….Was asked if I was sure…..Or was it because we want to be global…I said may be.

P1: Are you always like this conforming to what people say at home, work and with friends?

Me: I said yes that’s my character.

P1: Can you be rebellious? Do you want to be a rebel?

Me: I said I can be and mentioned as example at work. If required, I can do that. But I don’t want to be rude.

P1: Agreed. Of course, no one wants to be rude. A rebel doesn’t have to be rude.

P1, P2 looked at each other and said they’re done.

Me: Thank you very much sir. I was about to get up and P2 offered a toffee. Took my certificates from him and started coming out.

P1 & P2: Thank you and good luck. Please finish the registration process (As I was the 1st to be interviewed, I had to do the registration later)

Me: Sure, thank you sir. It was a decent interview after a pathetic performance at IIM L. But I felt it should have been better. Rate your preparation(0-5): 4.

Rate your performance(0-5): 3VERDICT: Awaited (Hoping for a +ve result)

X %,Board, year – 93 ICSE 2006.

XII%, Board, year – 95 CBSE 2008.

Undergrad Stream(BA, BE etc), Specialization(CS, mech etc), Percentage, Year, Institute. BE EEE Bits pilani 86.3%Work-Ex:0.

Sectors, Company – Number of monthsCAT :Quant 99.83.

(category if applicable) GENExtra curriculars : Clubs and departments in coll, 2nd highest total amongst sahodaya schools bang, TA in 1 course in collInterview & EssayVenue: 27 feb monarch bangaloreEssay : Practice what you preach.

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Cant say.

Time given : 10 min.

Rate your preparation(0-5): 2-3.

Rate your performance(0-5): 2-3PI:

Panel Members Intro: 1- maths prof 2- elderly prof.

when i enter 1 is in the loo.

2 & # 8211; so what is todays business news ? (It was 1130 am)

me – sir havent read the business paper today but said there is a lot about kudankulam nuclear plant in the paper.

2 & # 8211; no i want business news…tell me yesterdays ?

me - sir there was an article about telenor searching for a new partner in India as Unitech has withdrawn.

2 & # 8211; ok fair enough…tell me where is telenor from ?

me – Sir I think Norway but surely one of the scandanavian countries…(It was norway)

2- which of indias neighbours is associated with telenor ?

me – no idea sir.

2- it recently had a noble laureate ?

me - maybe bangladesh but not sure…

2 & # 8211; ok so u don’t know for sure….it is bangladesh and the noble laureate is mohamad younus.

1 enters the room and starts looking at my form.

2 - ok so tell me what is management ?

me – mumbled something about the task of managers…overseeing and guiding others.

2 & # 8211; put your points and give me one statement or any management gurus definition.

me – put my points in a statement form.

1 after looking at my form.

1 & # 8211; so interested in football…what do u watch ?

1 & # 8211; ok name one latin american player who doesnt belong to brazil or argentina / (heard the q as not a latin american )

me – david beckham.

1 & # 8211; latin american .

me – sorry sir i heard not a latin american ….sir edinson cavani.

1 & # 8211; which country ?

me – sir uruguay.

1- tell me something about Uruguay then.

me – gave gyan …they hosted the first world cup and won it also won the second world cup…they won one more later.

1 & # 8211; u remember the year ?

me – 1930 and 1934…don’t remember the 3rd year.

me – they have a controversial player named luis suarez.

me – explained about his hand block and how he prevented ghana from entering the wc semis.

1 & # 8211; ok…one more player did something similar – maradona ?

me - explained ‘hand of god’ goal to beat england.

1 & # 8211; do u think this is ethical ?

me – no sir…FIFA should have taken it up…explained how suarez was banned for racial abuse recently.

1 & # 8211; forget recently…what do u think should have been done then ?

me – linesmans job sir..but cant blame him…FIFA should have taken it up.

1 & # 8211; ok…so u are comfortable with maths i assume ?

me – yes sir…am a fresher.

1 & # 8211; oh yes…why did i even ask then…choose a topic.

1- ok draw the normal distribution.

me – don’t remeber the constants but the e power term is…(gave)

1 & # 8211; maxima minima ?

me – sir 1 max no min.

me – differentiate sir….and showed him.

1 & # 8211; why is this point maxima ?

me – sir double differentiate…showed him every step…very long took 5 mins.

1 & # 8211; ok fine…how many points of inflexion ?

1- think carefully..what is a point of inflexion ?

me – explained smthing abt slope being 0.

1 & # 8211; tell me in terms of convexity and concavity.

1 & # 8211; ok…tell me what is binomial trial ?

me – said 2 events…1 problem p other 1-p…multiple runs…one run called bernoulli trial.

1 & # 8211; u r telling me only the preface…explain more.

me – explained how to calculate using bernoulli theorem and lil more.

1 (laughing) – u r still giving me only a preface.

2 & # 8211; u r also part of the anti ragging squad ? explain ?

me – explained…they seemed convinced.

1 & # 8211; ok…recently in guwahati a leopard killed ppl…being an ece engineer design a system to catch the leopard but not kill it.

me after thinking 1 min – sir in a narrow path put 2 motion sensors across and connect it to a large cage on the top to take into account speed of the leopard…wen it crosses the sensor will go off and hence the cage will fall.

1 and 2 look at each other and and tell me they are done.

1 & # 8211; pls take a toffee b4 u leave.

i shake hands thank them and leaveRate your preparation(0-5): 3.

Rate your performance(0-5): cant say.

Any other relevant detail. & # 8211; int was very long almost 30 min…even they dint realise till the last questionVERDICT – hv your sayPS. Come-on guys, start pouring in with your experience.

X %,Board, year:- 96.4/CBSE/2006.

XII%, Board, year:- 96/CBSE/2008 (COMMERCE)

Undergrad Stream(BA, BE etc), Specialization(CS, mech etc), Percentage, Year, Institute. BCOM(H)/SRCC/DU/75.2%Work-Ex:7 Family Business.

Sectors, Company – Number of monthsCAT:Quant: 99.18.

(category if applicable)

Table tennis player (district Gold)

Any other special thing abt u: Topper in state in board exams(sorry fr unconventional format now )1 March.

We had a form to fill and carry with us to the centre . The form had questions about personal details and essay type questions including academic achievements, extra-curricular, Why ABM, Some problem in your life, and how you handled it? I reached at around 8:15 (well in time). To my surprise, there was very low turnout. Only 16/60 present. (3-4 girls).

STAGE I : Group Task.

we had a group of 6 people. We were given a case study. The length was one A4 size sheet.

5 mins for reading.

15 mins discusiion.

5 mins for writing summary of discussion(special mention that summary of discussion and not what you think about the topic)The case study was on Sarva shikha Abhiyaans elementary education programme and the problems in its implementation.

We had a nice Gd.

I started Off the GD. Gave good no. Of entries. No fish market at all. Overall satisfied.

While writing summary not evenm given full 5 mins. Sheets were taken in about 3-4 mins. II STAGE: InterviewMy turn was 4th. People before me had long interviews. (25-30 mins). They were being grilled on academics and den why ABM .

After number 3 and before my turn they took abnormally more time for reading the form(others it was 2-3 mins, my it was around 10 mins)Two people (both male) 30-45 years. Both looking professors. (Pannel for GD and Interview was same)

my interview started abruptlyInterviewer: I Me:M.

I: did u have tea?

M: I had my coffee in morning, so didn feel like having one now.

I: so you are a coffee guy?

M: No I like both tea and coffee, but its just a matter of chance I had coffee today.

(Then there was a discussion on various types of coffees, which is better, how better, Bru Nestle)

I: so what is this co. Where you work ?

M: told about my family business, my purpose of joining and learning etc.

I: asked about consumer product and capital product difference?

M: explained, had a discussion of about 5 minutes on it. ( he caught me on one question which I could not ans)

(another important thing, I tried to keep it as cool and chilled as possible, interviewer and I was constantly smiling and laughing.)

I: What subjects are your interest.

M: Accounts and eco.

I: he asked question abt PPF, and relation to my business.

M: explained well, related to business well.

I: economies of scale.

M: explained, but couldn’t go in detail of long run (forgot)

I: Substitute goods (again came back on tea and coffee)

M: explained thoroughly, explained with tea and coffee, den in general.

I:asked about my sports and all.

I: hobbies/ leisure time activities.

M: told about visiting various places, north Delhi campus etc., short trips to various places near Delhi.

I: thank you . Offered me toffee. Offered me a samosa( only I was offered that!! Just a co incidence. He as ked me to choose one out of two types of samosas. Then while I was leaving he said we just made a substitute good!! Laughing a lot!!)

Undergrad : Instrumentation & Control Engineering, NIT Tiruchy , 8.7.

Work-Ex: 30 months.

(category if applicable)Extracurricular : Paper on “Distribution of Prime numbers”- rejected by JAMS, resubmitted to annals, paper was reviewed by fields medallist, Certificate in Project Management, Department ChairmanAny other special thing abt u: I am good at origami (took a paper model to the interview , was complemented for the same )Interview & EssayVenue: Hotel Savera, Chennai.

Topic: Common sense is a result of prejudice before age 18 ( not the exact wording but something similar to that)

Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Tried to define common sense & prejudice ( not that good) went philosophical abt innateness & empiricism, also argued that age is not the criteria, concluded vaguely. (Overall not that great)

Time given: 10(+1). One had to write the essay in the F section provided in the form so that’s the space constraint.

Rate your preparation(0-5): 2.

Rate your performance(0-5): 1-2PI:

Panel Members Intro: Two profs, P1:asked the majority of qn’s, age late 40’s i guess , P2:was mainly verifying my certi’s age may be around 50 .

Questions: Most of my questions were purely technical hence it wouldn’t be of much help if you are not from C&I; , NTPC.

P1: So you work at NTPC what do you do?

Me: I work as a maintenance engr in Coal handling Plant (CHP), I have just commissioned Stage II of my plant.

P1: Ok, so tell me about how coal is unloaded using a diagrammatic representation (I was provided a paper).

Me: I drew and explained really well (after all I have been working in that area for nearly a year).

P1: What is the problem with Indian coal?

Me : Explained the various grades – bituminous and all, also explained about the ash content , explained problems with CIL and so on.

P1: So is coal the only factor affecting the efficiency.

Me; No, how water is converted to steam also plays a part.

P1: Ya, the efficiency in India and the rest of the world ain’t same right.

Me: Yes in India it’s around 33%, developed nation 40%.

P1: yes, that’s because of different in technology right, I don’t remember exactly what are they.

Me: Sub critical & super critical boiler.

P1: yes, yes. So what’s the difference?

Me: Super critical is once through boiler and sub critical there is a drum and so on. I also explained abt 660 MW, 500MW, 800MW boilers in brief.

P1: Fine, So what are the instruments which are used in CHP and why?

Me: Pressure sensors (explained why), solenoids said a few more.

P1: So how does a limit switch work?

Me: explained abt the make and break of contacts (P1: was satisfied)

P1: So this is my last qn to you ( interview was fine till then) so how does one measure the radial speed in motor vehicles.

Me: (Had no idea why he suddenly asked abt vehicle speed) I said we can use tachometer.

P1: Ok, so explain how tachometer works?

Me: The tachometer’s shaft is connected to the rotary part of the wheel and they both rotate at the same speed.

P1: What is the output of tachometer?

Me: Output is voltage and frequency, by knowing freq we can measure speed.

P1: How is this voltage generated?

Me: Actually it is a tacho Generator so that’s how.

Me: U mean in a generator?

P1: I have no idea of how a generator works so tell me.

Me: (Was shocked for a minute, this was so trivial that I almost got lost, thought for a minute ) Said there are electromagnets and rotating magnetic flux produces current this is faraday’s or Fleming’s law I am not sure.

P1: (Gave a weird look, u don’t remember the law exactly, this is XIth STD physics) anyways so how does this voltage gets converted to speed.

Me: Said something like V-F converter was not very confident here.

P1: So draw a V-F converter?

Me:Sorry sir, I don’t remember right now.

P1: Ok (to P2, pls take over)

P2: So name some power surplus states?

Me: Gujarat, Delhi. (I couldn’t recall the other ones).

P2: So what is the plan to increase power?

Me : Said about UMPP’s , advancement in Hydro and in Wind ( named Sulzon) ( forgot to mention abt Nuclear)

P2: So who are the leading producers of wind energy?

Me: TN, Gujarat, Maharashtra added that Gujarat has the max wind potential ( for a second forgot that these ppl are from Gujarat).

P1: Immediately intercepts, why Gujarat has max potential.

Me: Said high wind speed, favourable gulf of kutch ( this was a wild guess, later checked net and found my answer was to the point ).

P2: Continuing so why did DMK lose the election.

Me: Said 2G scam, not that development down south n all.

P2: So how did DMK won election in 2006.

Me: Said same problem with ADMK also so far the past 25 yrs these two parties alternate themselves to power.

P1: Laughs and says then they can have a mandate and say I will rule for 5 then you do.

Me: No sir not exactly people hope for change and do so, in fact this time vijaykanth’s party is the opposition so if a genuine candidate comes we are ready to vote also MK is old and one day his end will come so there might be a change of power within the party also.

P1: So are ppl planning on ending MK.( with a laugh)

Me: No sir that would be unethical.

P1: So you like Maths right?

Me: Yes sir a lot , I have done research on prime numbers.

P1: Ya I saw that by JAMS due you mean Journal of American Mathematics Society.

P1: So why did they reject your paper.

Me : Gave the answer with Terence Tao ( fields medalist gave to me ) saying that the content was original but it didn’t met JAMS standard and moreover JAMS reject 85% of paper submitted to them.

P1: So did you try any other journal.

P1: Surprised do you mean Annals Mathematics.

P1: So what did they say.

Me: Haven’t got a reply.

P1: How long has it been since u submitted.

Me: May be an year.

P1: Oh then maybe you should contact them.

P1: Btw I saw your origami ( smiles)

P1 &P2;: Ok thanks , take a toffee.

Me : Had handshakes with them and then left. Overall the interview was ok except for that generator thing (lame) , the profs heard me out and gave enough time to explain .

Rate your preparation (0-5): 4.

Rate your performance (0-5): 2.5( because of that generator)Duration : 15-20 mins ( they mentioned in prior that all interviews would be for 15-20 mins )VERDICT: Awaited.

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Canam Consultants Ltd EN: ISO 9001:2015 certified company is an undisputed leader in the field of overseas education consultancy today. Initially Canam, as the name suggests used to assist students for education options in Canada and USA. However, considering the increasing interest of the Indian students looking for education opportunities in other countries like Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Singapore and as per the changes in government regulations towards education opportunities to international students, Canam has increased its access to students aspiring to move to countries other than Canada and US.

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Delhi’s Chhavi Gupta cracks CAT with 100 percentile, had cleared IIT-JEE in first attempt.

While CAT 2017 also had 20 students in the 100 percentile like the previous year, this year saw two women and three non-engineer candidates made it to the list unlike the previous year.

Hindustan Times, New Delhi.

While many take time off, and spend years trying to crack the Common Admission Test (CAT) to get in to their Indian Institutes of Management of choice, Chhavi Gupta from Delhi, not only cracked the exam in her first attempt while holding down a full time job, she was also one of the two female candidates to be placed in the 100th percentile.

While CAT 2017 also had 20 students in the 100 percentile like the previous year, this year saw two women and three non-engineer candidates made it to the list unlike the previous year.

Chhavi, 24, who completed her dual BTech and MTech degree in Biotechnology from IIT Delhi, hopes to get into IIM Ahmedabad or Calcutta. She is aware that not many women make it to her spot but she believes it has more to do with society than calibre.

“If boys are studying, and I have seen this amongst some of my distant relatives, they will not disturb them. But a girl would still be asked to help out with household chores. Two, the priorities for many parents is to get the daughter married off after her graduation and so not many women really attempt the post graduate level entrance exams. Thankfully, I had a family that supported me 100%,” said Chhavi, the oldest of three siblings.

With a full time job as a business analyst in a technology and analytics firm, Chhavi found little to no time to prepare for the entrance exam during the week, and studied mainly on weekends, when she attended coaching classes too. Despite the time crunch, strategising her study schedule, concentrating on logical applications of formulae and practising mock tests is what helped her crack the competitive exams.

Academic excellence is not new for the Paharganj resident. According to her mother, Anju Gupta, she sets a “strict routine” for her children and Chhavi has been participating in competitive exams since her fourth grade and even cracked her IIT-JEE in her first attempt.

Though she claims she was not stressed for the most part, there were times like when she was placed first All India during a mock test conducted by her coaching centre, that she felt the pressure. At such times, she either turned to her favourite author, Jeffery Archer’s books, or turned to her personal support system to cope.

“I talked to my sister, brother, or my mother. My family really helped calm me down,” ela disse.
